Chapter 6: Date and Penge

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(caution: curse words)


(Benjamin's POV)

A date would be nice. My darling knows nothing about the new world she lives in. She only just found out about me being alive...

And though she is hesitant of me, I can tell that she's giving it a shot.

I spun around, nearly tripping over a soldier and went off in search of my precious flower.

(Five minutes later)

Where the fuck is that woman!? I can't find her anywhere! Did she get lost again. I told her where our room is if she ever got lost... where is she?

i scowled and headed to the people she knew most in the base.

fordz said no.

Raxes and Zade also said no.

FoxnQ also gave the same response... it was fustrating really.

Where the fuck was this woman?! She couldn't have gone too far...

I bent a corner and saw her with... Penge??? He came back from his mission aparantly. She seemed to be pretty interested in the conversation, he seemed pretty interested in it as well.

I watched carefully as his eyes lit up slightly, confusion and hesitance flashed through them. (Y/n) sweat dropped and the spoke again, I was too far to read their mouths as well as too lazy to actually use my magic to be able to. 

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH! ... *something along the lines of meeting up tomorrow night*"


Excuse me?


(NaNi! (author: couldn't help it!))

I'm not having this. This little brat is not having my wife, she's married, old enough to be his mother and most important of all....


I popped up right behind her and took off without a word, leaving Penge there. I'm not losing my wife. Better yet to a little kid who I can practically be the father of. She's mine and mine alone.

The entire time I spent running the hallways, (y/n) hit my back repetitively, she had some strength but I have been fighting for years, she's just poking me. I entered an empty hallway and put her down, caging her between the wall and myself. she lightly punched me in the chest.



"I wasn't flirting!" she pouted up at me, "I was asking him about his bow and arrow!" I stared down at her, going through her memories... she wasn't flirting at all... 

She spoke the truth...

I sighed, the fact that (y/n) was mine, that she was alive, that she was here with me was still readjusting itself in my brain. I could practically be compared to my young self when I flirt claimed her as mine. I'm going through the early boyfriend/husband phase again. 


I can still remember facing off with a royal guard at some point because he had feelings for her but she shot him down as she was already in a wonderful relationship and wasn't leaving it. that man would bang down my door for days on end, demanding that I fight him to the death over (y/n)'s love.

But I knew damn well what he was doing, he knew how much (y/n) hated when guys fight for her, it made her feel like she was just a piece of meat that could be ripped apart...

Overall less than a human being... than a slave.

She hated that

I stopped hearing from him after I got married to her.

I cant remember his name tho... wasn't really important so what ever.

(Y/n) glared me in the eye, I blinked, "what?" "hmm," her eyebrows furrowed, "I said I'm going to become an archer like penge. to fight on my own battles." "no." "what? I'm doing it whether you like it or not Benjamin." "I don't want you to get hurt again..."

She leaned her head against my chest, "dear, pain is part of life you know." I hugged her, my words wont come out. My lips parted but nothing came out, not a peep. She chuckled and nuzzled into my chest, me now hugging her.

It felt nice doing this after so long...

The texture of her hair, her soft breaths, the smooth feeling of her skin-I growled and she pulled away with a look of horror. I smirked and pulled her back.

"Benjamin no!"

"Oh come on."

"Nuh-uh, we're outside!" her face began burning a bright red at this.

"One round?"

"No, go take a cold water bath or poof it away!"

Poof it away, I laughed at her silly option, magic won't work on this. Anything but this.

"I want you."


"hey come back here!" she had slipped out my arms and sprinted down the hallway at full speed.


Damn it, she was always faster than me...

'I guess never saying it for so long made me forget how to say it and the feelings it gave me...'


(y/n) POV

It's dark... but warm. Weird. No light anywhere, just black void darkness that went on forever... a figure appeared before me, I paused and stared at her.

An old woman...

She looked at me and I could tell from her eyes that she knew me... 

And I knew her...



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