Filler: M vs FQNG

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A little bit of chaos in this one.


It was the first day of the month of June, things were picking up. Jade walked into the kitchen to see (y/n) at her station washing vegetables, she got to watch her wash and scrub the pimentos, cut off the ends and finely chop it up for the soups. (Y/n) must have cooked big meals in the past, since she cut up large amounts of veggies in little time. 

"you work fast." Jade commented, "really fast."

"Thank you," (Y/n) smiled, "it's like taking care of a few more Benjamin's." Jade choked on her saliva. Benjamin seriously does eat a lot... like a real lot, he can eat for 10 people.

And (y/n) cooked for him in the past...

Poor (y/n)...

Jade shook the thought of it out her head. Then she spoke again, "we need more food so im sending you to the grocery today for food."

"But didn't we-"

"No time, here's the list. Take your time out there." Jade pushed her out the kitchen and out towards the door. They passed Benjamin who paused and looked at them.


"Wait what? You barely even know your way around the base, Jade you're sending her out in the open."

"You make it sound like I'm an animal..."

Benjamin ignored her statement and reached for his lover only to be pulled back by Cree.


And (y/n) was the door.

Jade sighed, "she will be fine Benjamin." "She could get hurt." "Benjamin, I get that shes your wife but she needs to get out more."

He wasn't understanding, "she could get lost."

"Dude, shes gone out with us several times before. She will be fine. No need to worry mate," Fox patted his back. He popped up hearing the noise.

Benjamin took a deep breath, he knew this... but should be fine right...

What could possibly go wrong...


((Y/n) pov)

I peered down at my list... perplexed at the list. I didn't really have any problem finding this stuff but... my main concern was with the prices. 

'I want a good bargain on these stuff. Some of these things are much more expensive than they were in my time.'

A slightly clawed hand placed itself on my shoulder, I turned to see an old woman smiling at me. "Hello deary are you by chance single?"

Who the hell asks that kind of question?


She frowned and walked away. I continued to look for my things, I settled on high quality for a few things which were reasonable prices and a few low quality for others. they were the only things I could find.

Now I was standing in the alcohol lane. There was a lot more drinks than before...

I wonder if Benjamin still drinks, he drunk a lot before I died. Shaking my head, I made my way to the cashier to pay for my stuff.

I smiled and payed accordingly and left, fully away of the the lady from before and a now man following me.

I was so preoccupied with them that I bumped into a rather tall stickman...

His head was coloured differently, white with black outline. He stared at me, "I apologize for hitting you." I walked around him and made my way back to base when he grabbed me. I paled and slowly looked at him... "yes?"



"Volopxo dpef. Nvtu tdbo." 

And he stared stretching... I couldn't run any faster.


Fox having finished his work earlier stepped out to get some fresh air when he heard a loud crash. a large dust cloud formed in the distance, and emerging from it was a running (y/n) and a two strong arms grabbing her and dragging her back in...

'Is that... Mr Pix?'

(Y/n)'s scream filled the area. Pix rose the struggling female above him and Fox's eyes grew wide when he opened his mouth to eat her.


Nanix shot him down without fail. Pix let out a machine like scream as his severed arm flew in the air. Fox cut him mid scream with a punch. Q and Gyro later popped up (hearing the female's screams earlier) and had to hop in the fight to break it up.

Mr. Pix was very determined to 'collect' (Y/n), a foreign person from the 1800's... imagine all the articles he could get from her brain. 

(Author: I don't know how exactly mr. Pix 'functions'. His wiki page says he just collects shit, nothing about going through the info collected. sooo... meh.)

This turned into a full out mini war. They fought like animals, till the more matures people from the clan appeared and broke it up. Mr. Pix was sent to a hospital due to the major injuries sustained and FoxnQ, Nanix and Gyro were taken into the infirmary and scolded for their wrecklessness.

(Several days later)

Mr. Pix perked up at the sound of the door knob jiggling. Whole day the nurses have tried to communicate with him but no dice. He expected to see another nurse but was surprised to see (y/n) and Benjamin.

"I didn't come willingly." Benjamin killed some of his joy.

"I figured we'ed visit you after the major misunderstanding a while back," (Y/n) smiled at him, he turned to the red stick person who glared at him.

"and I thought of getting you this!" she pulled out a necklace, "you speak in code, so I had the guys at Nemesis make this for you. It simply translates your codes into proper English that everyone can understand now. Try it."

He hesitated but put it on.

"uhbnl- you (y/n)." his voice came out smooth.

The room lit up when (Y/n) eyes did. Benjamin awwed at her, "oh, I have to leave, it was nice meeting you. hope you continue using it." she spun around and took off, "Benjamin, I'm outside when you're ready."

Mr. Pix frowned at him and said very coldly, "next time I see her, I'm collecting her."

Benjamin didn't utter a word, but the black and white wand at the injured program stickman throat mad the message clear. 



31/07/2019 -9:50PM

Finally, the entire story is done. both the filler and the main story. all i have now is editing shouldn't take too- I'm not jinxing myself. but first... time to sleep. been up on this since 4AM.


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