Chapter 8: Kisses and Power ups

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3rd person POV

"You see that girl?"

"You mean the one who's always with Benjamin?"

"Yeah, her. Ain't she a beauty?"

"I heard she's taken by him."

"Dude stop lying, she's his grand daughter."

They failed to see the small but deadly male leaning against the ledge of a near window... listening to them.

"No dude, he smooches her and stuff."

"Dont all british people do that?"

"British fathers/ grandfathers dont make you with their kids dude."

'They dont,' Penge cringed, 'they never do that.'

"He kisses her?"

"Yeah, intense kissing that only long relationships have."



Penge turned towards them and glared viciously. He pointed down the hallway, giving them the hint. They froze over and scrambled away.

When they were out of sight, Penge frowned...

'What did he mean by "long relationship kisses"?'

His thoughts were cut short when he saw four figures sprint pass him... Fox. Q. And... (Y/n) and Benjamin? The last was chasing the first three... what the hell is happening here? "You little rascals!" Benjamin screeched, (Y/n) laughed out, her being ahead of everyone running. she certainly had a good pair of lungs on her. "sorry love!"

Penge followed, he watched as they evaded his every move with little to no problem, yn having minor difficulty in do so. she wasnt used to him moving so fast.

"hes a bit faster than he was before..."

"he has us to deal with."

"fair enough."


Benjamin was this close to catching Fox and yn noticed. she held out three fingers in the air and they SPLIT INTO THREE GROUPS, GOING DOWN SEVERAL DIFFERENT PATHS AT ONCE! "Nice!" Penge snapped his head to see Jade standing near him, 'when did she- whatever...'

Benjamin stopped and growled, yn was so getting it when he caught her later.

he stood there with jade as Benjamin came back with a whimpering Q and going after the other two culprits.


"Where's Yn?" Fordz asked dodging Cree's slash, "she's with Benjamin, he wont let her leave his side after what she did to him."


Raxes coughed when Zade picked him up, "hey p-put me down!" Zade huckled and spun him around, "never." They laughed and glowed mixing together to make zinx.

Zinx was an... interesting male to say the least. Whenever he appeared, some fight or destruction would happen right after, he even started a fight with benjamin once over yn.

He had wanted to get rid of her... amd not the 'let her room' kind. He actually wanted to kill her, to end her life. No one, not even Zade and Raxes knew why... but he just wanted the woman dead.

Zinx looked around, looking for yn. Fprdz and Cree stopped and looked at him, "where is she?"

"Shes not here."

"Where is she?"

"Answer our question and we'll answer yours."

Zinx remained silent for a moment then spoke, "alright. What is it?" Cree and Fordz looked at each other in hesitation then both asked.

"What is your problem with (y/n)?"

He sighed, he had been expecting this question for a while now. "That woman is a trouble magnet. Shes going to get us all killed."


"She radiates a nasty aura, one that attracks danger where ever she goes. Shes has to die."

"We will be fine-"

"We will not be fine, she's already unstable as it is. She's going to kill us all if she doesnt go." Zinx drew his blades and turned to leave when Fordz blocked the doorway. Cree pointed his blade at him.

Zinx smirked, "dont think i'll gi easy on you."

"We werent expecting you to."


Benjamin, who was nearing the entrance, heard everything, from begining to end. Zinx was a demi god... he knew things that even benjamin didnt know. His eyes were much stronger and adapted to these things.

His powers made it all the more obvious.

In his eyes, her unstable power could merely be radiating off her like a smoke.

'Does this have anything to with the other day...?' His eyes narrowed down, the possibility was there.

Maybe there is something shes telling them... or rather someone.


Yn also heard him, she was on the opposite end. She was a threat? She could actually harm them... Zinx didnt even like her when they first met, now she knew why.

He was trying to protect his friends. Even if it meant killing her.

Yn turned and walked away, her mind made up. She was leaving and not returning. If she was such a danger to everyone, shed just leave. Shed cut off all contact with everyone. Live in the forest away from people.

Entering her shared room, she pack what was hers and a bit of money for last resort. She left the rest for benjamin as he did put with her for so long... she wrote a quick note... and left.

She failed to acknowledge that two other stickmen who had also heard the conversation had seen her leave the base. They followed after her when she left.

Umbrella and neon katana in hand.


'I'll be gone a while, please dont worry about me. Im sure you'll do fine without me... i am forever greatful for the hospitality you alm have showed me in my time there.

Yours respectfully,
(Y/n) (l/n)'

Benjamin lost his shit. He actually lost control of his powers at one point. Jade and Gyro had to intervene to stop him from losing himself. The latter noticed that two of his comrades were MIA...

What were they up to?

Benjamin x Reincarnation? wife! readerWhere stories live. Discover now