Chapter 14: Letters and Flags

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(Warning: language)

(3rd POV)

To my darling princess,

This is yet another another letter that I will not mail to you. I saw you talking to that useless speck of dirt of a man, Benjamin I believe his name was. Word on the street says that you have been dating him. 

I must ask you: why my love? Why did you drop your standards so low? 

I asked you out wanting to spoil you like the princess you are but instead of me you went for the dead beat who couldn't even do his own job right. He is nothing more than a waste of flesh and bones. 

But alas you told me, "sorry, but I'm already in a relationship." had I moved in sooner, I would have gotten you. I would have hid that incident with the witch and kept you away from all evil and wicked that targeted you.

I wait for the day that you realize your mistakes and make the right decision. 

Hopefully the chance to put him down once and for all will come and i can show you who is better suited for your love.

With love,



Benjamin glared at the note. I remained silent, I've rejected a lot of people after i started dating Benjamin. perhaps... Josiah sounds like the 'nice guy' in those stories I read online.

They existed so far back?!

Benjamin's expression changed to a relaxed almost dull one, "I can't wait to meet him. I'll put him down once and for all." I looked at him surprised, he made a 180.

What exactly is he planning?

I'm some what cautious.

My thoughts were cut short when Benjamin suddenly bear hugged me. His grip tight, "if that note is here then he is here in the present." "you think he's come to get me?" He mumbled about something about Kursura and his wife.

Am I missing out on something?

"Benjamin, do you know Josiah by chance?" I felt him tense up and he let go of me. 


(Benjamin POV)


So all those bar fights were not enough huh, you Cockwombler?  You should never mess with a man's wife, every English stick man knows this... in fact EVERY stickman knows this.

I'm gonna kill him.

I turned to see (y/n) gone... I spaced out for a while it seems. I glanced at the mirror then did a double take.

"don't space out next time or I'll draw more~" was written on my forehead in pretty black ink. 


I heard a giggle and footsteps down the hallway.

Gosh damn it.

"have you ever wondered what our future would be like?" her words lingered in my mind... 'I'll never let you die again. Never.'


(3rd POV)

Cree rolled over, nuzzling into the newly changed blankets of his bed. His bed has been calling his name for the longest time, he finally answered the call. his covered mattress embraced his abused and beaten body with arms soft arms of wool from the finest sheep.  The entrancing scent of vanilla and lavender radiating from the sheet overloaded his senses, pulling him into a small bed of flowers. where his dreams land thrived waiting for him to visit and stay forever.

The moment was perfect... until

"ARRRGH! FUCKING-" Cree shot up, alarmed and ready to murder the people who dare invade his room, his personal space, him.


His eyes looked around hi room to see no hole... nothing that would cause a leak that size. "hi." brown bore into red. Zade. "you wouldn't move when i called you so..." Cree said nothing... but the sizzling of water and steam emitting from his skin and clothes said more than enough.

Zade started backing away when he saw the sword slowly crafting itself, glowing with a sense of vengeance. The creek of the door broke their silence.


Cree proceeded to chase Zade around the base, slashing and blasting at him. No one made any effort of to stop them, unless they were stronger than them, it was suicide. The dog and cat chase ended on the helicopter pad on top the building. 

Where Jade and Raxes were waiting for them. 

"Glad you came, you need to go now." The trio hopped on the helicopter and left, Cree was filled in on the mission. A simple watchdog like mission.

'scope out the area for any strange activities or objects.'

It sounded like a petty job, but Jade was serious. dead serious. 

Something was up.


Q spotted Nanix standing by the window, staring out. Q stared at the tall black stickman... then out the window and back. Nanix glanced at him then looked back in the same direction, almost unphazed by the alien.

"what you looking at?" the hesitance in his voice was strong but it he asked non the less. 

not everyday you see Nanix doing stuff like this.

Nanix points, "there." Q followed his finger to see an object... a flag? in the open?

"um why is it there?" Q asked again. 

"it's a sign..."

'a sign?'

"yeah... its an indirect declaration of wAr."



(11:57pm on the 1st of July.)

Great way to kick start your July... am i right.

Happy Canada day for all the folks who celebrate it. I don't.

Um yeah. 


(01/08/2019 2:55pm) - EDITED AND READY TO BE PUBLISHED

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