"Copies." was all he said before he went back to looking away from me



"If I don't find out the truth about the balance keeper, hell will rain."

"The Master Emerald is a living being."

"I have killed my father once before."

"I wasn't supposed to live."

"I could have done better." one by one they all told me what these copies had said to them.

"So these copies-"

"They had said you don't care about anyone but yourself, Sonic." Nazo interrupted me "That your not a hero after all." I looked at all of them and scoffed.

"That is-"

"Absolutely, positively not true?" now Exe interrupted me "Who are you really blue hedgehog? Why has copies of ourselves told us these things about you and us and yet, you deny it all?"

"I didn't-"

"Didn't what Blue?" Scourge asked "Didn't have time to cover up any other holes you might have?"

"Or maybe that he really doesn't care about us to begin with and is just making this up to get us to do his dirty work?" Fleetway shrugged. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I mean, sure it was my fault for letting the shadow creatures escape and I'm pretty sure that these copies are them but I would never unintentionally hurt anyone. Its always for a good reason. I blinked as a hand was waved in front of face and looked at Nazo. I must've spaced out.

"I guess you don't want to listen to us if your spacing out." I rolled my eyes

"Why would I not want to listen to a stupid idiot." he glared at me. I guess Nazo heard the sarcasm dripping from my voice. "And for the record," I got right in his face and pointed a finger at his chest. "You better watch what you say Nazo."

He raised an eye ridge. "Oh? And why is that?"

"Cause I'm getting real tired of you so you better back off or else I'll throw you off the island." we stayed staring at each other until he smirked.

"No." I glared at him and walked away.

"Tch." after a couple of steps, I stopped and turned back to face him. "Then I guess you leave me with no choice." I shrugged and summoned the two emeralds I had.

"What are you going to do with two measly emeralds?" I could see his smirk faltering and I chuckled.

"You'll see." I commanded the emeralds to hover over top of me and closed my eyes. I concentrated on the power within them and used it. Now, for the little surprise. I got in a running stance and just stayed standing. "What are you waiting for Nazo? Scared your going to lose against me?" I taunted him and could see the fire in his eyes. Perfect.

"The only one who is going to lose would be you so I can show just how foolish you really are!" he got in a fighting stance and I rolled my eyes.

"I doubt it." he growled and fired an energy beam at me but I dodged it with ease. "Is that the best you can do?" I taunted him which in turn caused me to dodge multiple beams and didn't get a single scratch. I chuckled and just to play around, I zipped beside him and landed a punch in his stomach which he doubled over in pain. I stopped a few feet behind him and smirked. "Wow, the great and powerful Nazo must really be losing his touch if a single punch can harm you." I heard him growl and turn to me with a scowl.

"You will regret that!"

"I said it once and I'll say it again, I. Doubt. It." Once I said that, he charged at me and I didn't hesitate to summon my dagger while running at him and strike him across the cheek, arms and stomach. He hissed in pain while I crossed my arms over my chest. I already knew how much pain he would be in considering that my energy is neutral and can affect both sides. Hence the fact of how Nazo is pain but if I'm struck with my own weapon, I don't feel a thing and won't get injured.

"T-The emerald dagger!?!?" I heard someone shout out of disbelieve and looked at Scourge who was wide-eyed while looking at my dagger, at me then over again. "How do you have that!?" I twirled it in my hand.

"I just do, kid." he gasped and took a step back.

"No... this can't be... you couldn't have that!?!? You-You must have stolen it or-"

"Its my dagger Scourge," I pointed it at him "And no one steals my dagger." he put a hand over his mouth and stepped back until his back was flat against a tree.

"It... it can't be you... S..." his voice was muffled by his hand but I could make out his words clear as day. I turned my attention back to Nazo as he was still holding his stomach but looked at me confused.

"What's that all about?" he asked and I sighed. I commanded the two emeralds to come to me as well as making my dagger disappear.

"Yes, I've been keeping secrets from everyone including my closest friends and I'll tell you all the truth, if and only if, you hand me the emeralds you all collected so I can stop Dark." they looked at each other and while some took their emerald out right away, others did reluctantly but the only one who didn't was Nazo.

"What exactly do you mean by secrets?"

"I mean of how I know who you are, why I have this dagger and everything else." I looked around at everyone while saying that and looked back at Nazo. "All I ask for in exchange is the emeralds." I could see him study me then sigh.

"If thats what it takes to get the truth, then its all yours." he tossed the emerald to me and I caught it. Just as everyone else tossed their emeralds at me, I tapped into the emeralds and absorbed them, changing into my super form. It always feels normal when I have extra Chaos energy running through my veins. I could do the whole transformation without using the emeralds but find that I get tired easier. Still don't know why though... I flew towards the pedestal but was stopped by a voice.

"Sonic." I turned to Nazo as he walked to me. "Where are you going? Dark is that way." he pointed towards the city and I chuckled.

"One thing I've kept from everyone is what my true power actually is and now that this problem is here, well, you can say that your going to find something out that might just blow your mind." he blinked and scratched his neck.

"Um... that doesn't answer my question..."

"In other words, I'm going to use the Master emerald." all their eyes went wide and before any other words could be spoken, I took off after the emerald and landed on it. I closed my eyes and focused on the energy within, siphoning it with my own and combining them both together. I could feel all my blood being replaced by energy and the armor covering my arms, legs, stomach and the tips of my quills. I opened my eyes once I could feel it all end and looked down at myself and smiled. I'm back and ready to kick some embodiment butt. I floated into the air, connected my loose chain that was connected to the broken shackles on my wrists to the ones on my ankles and flew off towards the city in a blast of green light.

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