A Lone Wolf in a New World

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As you kept through the portal you felt as if your body was floating in midair as you watched as your body traveled through the portal as you saw what looked like a blue box as it smacked you as you then flipped it off as you shook your head as you decided not to ask any questions about it as your body approached the portal you saw a bright flash of light as you hit the ground. . . but then you looked around as you noticed the trees as well as everything else as you knew you weren't going home anytime soon. Then you heard a growl as you then noticed the many red colored eyes as they looked at you as they then appeared out of the bushes as they had unusual looking bodies, their eyes, black skin, bone armor, and its wolf like features as you stared at them.

Ariel: (Y/N) This isn't our home you know that right. So I would recommend using caution and see if they will attack.

You: Noted.

The beasts growled at me as
As I pulled out my combat knife and energy sword one of the beasts lunged at me as I stabbed it in the head as the rest we about to lunge.

You: Hey Ariel, do you have my music mix?

Ariel: Yeah, why?

You: Play Bloody Mary Mix by Trocadero.

Ariel: Got it.

You smiled as you heard the Blood Gulch Blues (Bloody Mary Mix) play.

Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

Another rushed at you as you sliced it into two. The other ten stared you down as they came rushing at you. You sliced the next one's head off as the next came as you stabbed, cut, and decapitated them all. Then you heard another this one looked different as it was bigger and had more spikes as you suddenly heard a loud crack of a sniper rifle as out of nowhere four young girls walked out of the forest as you hid.

Red: So what do you think caused for the power level thingy to rise around here, Yang.

So that's the one in yellow I'm guessing?

You watched intently as Yang talked to the the girl in the red hood

Yang: I don't know Ruby, but whatever it is caused a lot of Grimm in the forest.

Hmm. . . so that's what those beasts were called, interesting.

Yang: Blake, what's your idea on the power rise?

The one with the black bow, probably Blake by your guess spoke up.

Blake: I don't know but I feel like someone is watching us.

You hoped she didn't notice or hear you in the tree. You rested more weight on the branch, which was just enough for it to break causing you and the branch to fall as the group stared at you as you got into a fighting stance.

They all got their weapons out ready to fight as you just stared still in stance.

You: Where is the closest UNSC base?

Ruby: What is the UNSC?

You: What do mean? UNSC, United Nations Space Command.

Ruby: Huh?

You then spoke to Ariel.

You: Where is the closest UNSC base?

Ariel: (Y/N), There... Isn't any UNSC base anywhere...

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