He runs towards me again, ducking away from a punch that I send. His arms wrap around my waist so tight I can barely breathe. I groan from the pressure as he hauls me back in the direction of the house.

Not again. I'm getting out now.

Bringing my elbow up, I take a jab at his ribs enough to leave a permanent bruise. It's not enough to make him let go though. A normal person would've had broken ribs after a blow like that. But the more and more I fight Archer, I'm starting to realise he's no ordinary man. Is this man made of steel? I managed to slip out of his grasp, going to a near by parked car, trying to gain some distance between us.

"Leave me the fuck alone." I pant, breathing heavily, trying to calm myself after being man-handled like that.

Faster than I expect, he lunges at me, nearly knocking me backwards. He clings to me and tries to trap my arms again. I manage to free them, using our proximity to my advantage.

I punch his face again. And again. And again. I keep punching him, not giving him even a moment to recover.

He manages to catch my hand once, but instantly releases it once he sees me wince from how tight his grip was.

I go back to sending my blows, each one just as strong as the last.

He brought this on himself.

I keep trying to justify the pain I'm causing him, but somehow each hit only makes the pit in my stomach worse.

He deserves this.

I land a final blow that knocks him to the floor. He lay there unable to get up, blood falling from his lips.

Taking his hand, I begin to drag him towards a car to our right. The sound of gravels scrapping against his skin leaves me cringing. I drop his hand to the floor, instead grasping the side of the car in my hands. Huffing, I struggle to lift the front tire up.

I shove Archer's hand beneath with the side of my foot, sighing, before dropping the car back down. I cringe as his hand is crushed between the tarmac and the wheel. Strained groans leave his lips as he tries to wrench his hand out.

I swallow back whatever guilt I might have and leave him behind. At least now he won't be able to catch me.

I run into the forest, ignoring Archer's desperate pleas not to leave. "Trust me, this is best for us both." I mutter.

Twigs and branches scratch at my skin, slicing small cuts into my skin. I press harder, my legs pumping. Heart pounding. The smell of pine fills my lungs, swirling with freedom and happiness.

It feels so good to run. To truly run without restrictions.

I can feel the demon inside me stirring without the silver to contain it. It wants out. It wants to take over and fly free. God help me if that happens. I concentrate on my steps, locking the demon away in the cage I built in the back of my mind.

The silence of the forest was shattered by a howl in the distance. My mind instantly goes to the creature outside my house. I push myself to go faster, the trees around me turning into a blur.

But I see movement in the leaves around me. Flashes of brown and grey mix with the green of the shrubbery illuminated by the moonlight.

Something huge leaps out of the undergrowth in front of me.

My heels dig deep into the ground, bringing both me and my heart to stop as I take in the beast in front of me.

Standing five and half foot tall, teeth glinting with saliva, claws dug deep in the earth beneath it; was the biggest wolf I'd every seen.

I gulped, taking a nervous step back. It snapped it's jaws at my retreat, bringing me to a halt.

I straightened my shoulders, trying not to look intimidated.

You've never fought a wolf before Althea but there's a first for everything.

It took a menacing step forward, as if it expected me to cower back. I must've taken it by surprise when I launched myself at it. I barely missed it's open jaws, clinging to it's neck. It thrashed it's head around trying to get me off it's back.

I managed to wrestle it to the floor whilst it kicked and bucked trying to make me release its neck. It's breathing began to get shallower and shallower as I continued to restrict its windpipe.

Movement to the left of me made me forget the wolf below me entirely. Another, and then another and another wolf emerged until I was completely surrounded.

I stood brining up my hands to protect myself, whilst my brain was trying to think of any possible way for me to get out of this alive.

I flashed my eyes menacingly at them, causing some of them to shrink back momentarily.

Something heavy fell over me, forcing me to the ground. I screamed in agony as I recognised a silver net was thrown over me, pinning me to the forest floor. I turned my face to the dirt, unable to move my cheek away from the burning metal.

I looked up at the sound of footsteps, watching as man in basketball shorts approached me. I silently pleaded with my eyes that he would help me, but he instead reached down with a gloved hand, dragging me forward.

I howled as my weight was brought onto the silver, burying deep into my skin. Soon another man came to help haul me through the trees back in the direction of the house.

But instead of taking me inside through the main door, they began to pull towards a set of metal ones. They pushed my dead weight through them, leaving me to fall down a steep set of stairs. I lie there wheezing in pain, the silver stripping me of my energy.

The men followed behind me, once again with gloved hands. Grumbling, they started to unravel the silver net from my limbs, making me scream despite barely being able to breathe.

Once it was off me, they each took an arm and dragged me down the hall. My head lolled down because I couldn't manage to keep it up. But at the sound of metal door screeching I pulled my gaze up, only to be left horrified.

One of the men was opening a filthy cell with thick metal bars.

My heart pounded in my ears. Panic clawed at my throat.

Not a cage. Not another cage.

Tears welled in my eyes as I begged and thrashed to be released. The men seemed deff to my pleas whilst they shoved me forward. I fell to the floor, hands scrapping against the rough surface.

I crawled to the bars, reaching out to their retreating figures.

I couldn't breathe. The edges of my vision began to fog. I could feel the demons presence pushing forward, wanting to protect us.

I tried to force it down, but more and more memories were bombarding me, making it impossible to stay calm.

I shut my eyes, trying to push them out of my mind.

I could feel myself loosing control.

Not another cage.

"Let me out" my hoarse voice managed to rasp out, before everything went black.

Letting the darkness take over.


Sidenote// I got my cartilage pierced. And that shit hurt. But beauty is pain my friends beauty is pain

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