Part 15

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As Markus and Lee both looked out the window, the weather became more ominous. Dark and gloomy. "So Connor?..." Markus began to ask.

"Oh no, like I said, Time and place.." Lee told him before turning around to find Connor under the door frame.

"I've been asked to take you in, Alive." He informed them. Lee looked at him in disbelief, he looked different without his uniform. "... But I won't hesitate to shoot if you give me not choice." Connor said, pointing his gun at Markus. Lee took the chance to stand in front of Markus, acting as a shield. "Lee, get out of the way." The deviant hunter commanded.

"No... We are your people, Connor. I- we are fighting for your freedom... I can't let you do this... You don't have to be their slave anymore." Tinley said, walking closer to Connor. "You're nothing to them. They use you for their dirty work. You're more than that- you mean more than that to me!" Taken by surprise, Lee jumped back in the slightest as he shot a bullet by her feet. "You're telling me, you never had any doubts?" She asked him, her posture, straighter than before. "What about me, Connor? Hmm? That time you saved me, that time you didn't shoot the Tracy's because you didn't want me to get hurt... How about that day you told me you felt fear? You can be free, Connor... Just give me the gun and it'll all be over, they can't control you."

It took a while for Connor to realize that her hand was on his, lightly caressing it. He dropped the gun and that's the moment he became deviant. Lee pulled him into a hug, giving Connor some time before he held her back. He lightly pushed himself away and looked at Markus,  "They're going to attack, Jericho." He informed.

"What?" Markus and Lee asked in disbelief, as they heard the roaring noises of helicopters above them. "We have to get out of here!" Connor exclaimed before, taking Lee's hand and following Markus out the door.

As they ran inside the ship, they crossed paths with North, "They're coming from all sides! Our people are trapped in the hold, they're gonna be slaughtered!" She informed them. Markus sent a message to all Deviants inside Jericho to escape through the second or third floor. "Where are Simon and Josh?" He asked her. "I don't know, we got separated." She informed him.

"We have to blow up Jericho." Lee informed "If the ship goes down, they'll evacuate and our people can escape." She said starting to let go of Connors hand.

"You'll never make it, Lee. There's thousands of soldiers there."

"I'm the only human here right? They won't question me, I'm going-"

"No, I'll go." Markus butted in, "Go and join the others."

"Markus-" The two girls said in unison.

"I won't be long." He told them before running towards the opposite direction

Right before they where at the exit was able to catch up with group. Simon and Josh made it safely back thanks to Markus. "The bomb is gonna explode in any second, we have to get out." They all nodded at Markus command, running away from the gunfire. But in the way North got shot. Markus made his way too her and saved her, but more guards came their way. Both Connor and Lee got out their guns and began to fight, being shot a few times in the way- as they protected the rest. Connor grabbed Lee's hand and they made a run for it, jumping out of the boat into the water, seconds before the bombs detonated.

At a safe zone, Connor stitched up her wounds. She had gotten shot in the shoulder and a bullet skimmed her waist. He cleaned her up and then helped her stand, as she was laying on a bench. "You alright?" Lee asked him, knowing that the transfer from deviant hunter to deviant would be so easy.

Connor was left in disbelieve once again, she cared more for him than for her well being. She was something else. "I'm alright, but what about you?" He asked her, bringing his arm up to caress her now bruised cheek.  Lee gave him a sad smile, "I'm fine Connor... I'll survive." She told him. But her eyes said otherwise, Lee was starting to tear up and Connor had no idea what to do. She cleaned away her tears and took a big breath in. "Me and Markus are gonna go and take this chance to go see my father... He isn't going well." Lee informed him. He nodded before she got up. Connor walked her out, finding Markus as he waited for Lee. "We'll be back soon." Tinley reassures before they left.

"Alarm deactivated, Welcome back Tinley." The alarm system greeted. Lee walked in before Markus as he stood under the door frame in awe. He wouldn't have never thought that he would be back here. Lee was half way up the stairs when she noticed. "You coming?" She asked him, Markus shook away his thoughts and followed behind her. As they arrived upstairs, there was an Android standing outside in all white.

"Carl isn't having any visitors at this time." He told them.

"He's my father, I believe I can see my father when I like, correct?" The Android nodded and back away from their path before Carl's door opened automatically. "Oh my sweet, Tinley. Come to see your old man." Carl said with a smile.

"Hey, daddy." Lee whispered, giving him a hug. A few tears fell to her cheek as her father let go. Carl caressed her cheek, cleaning away tears in the process. "I brought someone with me." She informed her father, as Markus walked into the room. "I'll leave you two to talk... I'll see you soon." Lee kisses her fathers forehead before she went outside of the room, patiently waiting for Markus.

Moments passed before Markus came out, ready to leave back to the safe place. He nodded at Lee before they left the manor.

Lee now stood beside Connor, he talked about how he felt guilty... Not realizing that what he was doing wrong. "It's all my fault." He started. "The humans managed to locate Jericho... I was stupid, I should have guessed they where using me." Lee's heart broke, she hated seeing him like this. "I understand if you choose not to trust me..."

"Not trust you? Connor I... Of course I trust you." The girl said in disbelief, refraining from what she was actually going to say.

"There are thousand of androids at the Cyberlife assembly plant. If we can wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance if power-"

"Stop right there, Markus needs to hear this."

Lee brought Markus over and let Connor re-explain himself. "You wanna infiltrate the Cyberlife tower?" Markus asked them, "That's suicide." He informed.

"They trust me, they trust us- I am one of the co founders of Cyberlife, they'll let us in... If anyone had a chance of infiltrating Cyberlife, it's us." Tinley informed, looking at Connor.

"They'll kill you Tinley." Markus said, taking a step closer to get. "Maybe... But there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place..." she said, taking Connors hand into her own.

Markus put his hand on her shoulder, "Be careful." He plead. "And look after each other." The two nodded. Markus walked away as Lee rested her head in Connors shoulder. They watched as Markus stood up on the stage and began a speech. He spoke about how Androids where being destroyed and how they couldn't fight back because they had to peacefully tell them that they want justice.

As he spoke, Mary and Connor slipped away.

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