Part 04

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As Connor drove to Jimmys Bar, Lee watched the water flow down her windows and started to drift off into a deep sleep. She was known to fall asleep after getting shot- it happened the first time and every time after. Connor not being know to her accustom, analyzes her, making sure that she was okay and that her heart rate didn't drop. She was fine, she was at a high rate of survival and Connor was glad. As he drived down to the bar, he had listened to her heartbeat- he had no reason for it, but he did it anyways. Letting the car automatically park in front of the bar, Connor tuned off the engine and walked out of the car, letting the girl get her deserved rest.

Walking into the bar, Connor analyzed all the people there until he found the Lieutenant. He ignored the whispered comments of himself being an Android and walked up to the Lieutenant. "Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor, I'm the android sent by CyberLife... I looked for you in the station but no one seemed to know where you were until your partner came in. She said that you were having a drink, somewhere around town and she was kind enough to join me."

"What do you want?" The Lieutenant questioned.

"You and Lieutenant Manfred were assigned a case early this evening. A homicide, involving a CyberLife android. In accordance to procedure, The company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators."

"Well, I don't need any assistance, specially not from a plastic asshole like you. So just be a good lil' robot and get the fuck out of here."

"I understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but I am-"

"-I am perfectly comfortable. Now back off, before I crush you like an empty beer can."

"Listen- I think you should stop drinking and come with me. It would make life easier for the both of us."

Hank nodded consistently- ignoring Connor as he continued to drink from his glass. "You know what?" Connor asked. "I'll buy you one for the road... Bartender, the same again please!"

"See that, Jim. Wonders of technology... Make it a double."

"Maybe you shouldn't." A female voice arose next to Hank. "Two singles, Jim, please." Lee patted Hank on the back and he looked at her jacket. "You sleeping with an android now?" He asked her. "Funny Hank, I got shot and my other shirt got ruined. Connor was kind enough to give me his jacket so I wouldn't freeze to death."

"Thats what you get for wearing those shirt."

"My shirts are none of your concern." Lee said before downing the drink Jimmy had placed in front of her. "Ugh- I don't get how you drink whisky straight, its gross." Hank laughed at the girl before dismissing themselves from the bar.


Lee shuffled in her car as she looked out the passenger window. The crime scene was full on news people and curious pedestrians. "Stay here, I won't be long." She said turning her head to look at Connor but before she was able to close the door, he spoke, "Whatever you say, Lieutenant." Lee rose a brow, not knowing if he was seriously going to stay in the car but she sighed, closing the door behind her and following Hank into the house.

Once again as she walked further away from her car, she heard the door open and close. This time, she decided to wait for the Android under the hood of the house. She watched as a fellow police officer stopped Connor and told him that there were no androids permitted beyond the holographic sign that read 'Do not cross.'

Lee sighed and spoke up, "He's with me." She said, waving her hand over before the police officer let Connor pass. "Explain." She instructed as she slowly crossed her arms. "Your order contradicted my instructions, Lieutenant." Lee scoffed and shrugged. "Alright, just don't touch anything, got it?" She ordered politely. "Got it." Connor answered, following Lee. "Evening Hank, Tinley, We were starting to think you weren't gonna show..."

Lovely || Detroit Become Human || Connor x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon