Part 08

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Connor walked out of the Detroit taxi, walking towards the entry of the Police department. He analyzed the room quickly and walked to the front desk. "How can I help you?" The Android behind the desk asked. "I'm here to see Lieutenant Manfred and Lieutenant Anderson."

"Do you have authorization?" She asked

"Yes." Connor said before connection with the android and sending his authorization. "Both of the Lieutenants are not here yet, but you're more than welcome to wait for them at their desk." Connor nodded and walked towards the office section of the department and looked around for the Lieutenants. Sure enough, he found the names by each other. They sat beside each other, an empty desk in front of Hanks and Lee's desk at his left. He sat down on the empty chair by the empty desk and decided to get up and analyze their desk. He started off with Lieutenant Manfreds desk.

A small pitcher filled with cherry flavored lollipops by her chair. Rose scented chapstick beside her keyboard. A small rose bush, scientifically wired for it to be small, with a note: "I'll like to talk - E.K" begins her computer, available for her view when she sits down. A picture of her beside Lieutenant Anderson on the left side of her computer and and another picture of her, Carl Manfred, Leo Manfred and a Android. A pendant with the name of Harry laid down on the desk and her chair filled with cat hair.

As Lee walked in the the office- her head tilted to the side to see Connor pick up her unborn sons pendant and a small smile planted on her lips. She walked over to him and set her purse down on the floor and coffee on her desk. Connor still analyzed the gold pendant and grazed the name with his thumb. "Who's Harry?" He asked her looking up to meet her gleaming eyes. The woman slowly took the pendant and locked it around her neck- where it belongs. "My unborn son who died in a car accident because of a deviant android..." She told him. "People wonder why Gavin is so determined in catching these deviants and breaking them to a dust... It's because of Harry, he wants to avenge him but he's only doing it out of spite and anger... Not for Harry."

"I'm sorry I asked." Connor apologized but she shook her head. "No, don't be... I love talking about Harry, even if he wasn't born, he was living through me... and that's what I care about... not his death." The Android nodded and gave Lee an awkward smile that made her laugh to herself, not wanting to offend the Android. She sat down on her desk and read over Markus' deviant file... She wish she could delete it and set him free, let him become one with earth as he was buried in the hole where all deviant androids belonged. The thought of him rotting down there- it made her mad- he did nothing wrong! She let the thought slip away as she watched Hank walk in. "Hey, crudo." She said, calling him ___ in Spanish. "Hey, muchacha." Hank greeted. "Rough night of Russian?" The girl asked jokingly. "Rough night of Elijah?" Hank teased- looking at the roses on the table. "Shut it... you know he means nothing now." Lees smile dropped and she crossed her arms as she slumped down into her chair.

"Manfred, Anderson- in my office!" Lieutenant Fowler yelled from his office. The both of them sighed before walking up into the sound proof glass office and sitting by each other, Connor not falling far behind. "I want both of you to continue on to this Deviant case- especially you Anderson." Fowler said, handing Lee a folder, knowing that she was going to be calm and collective unlike Hank. He yelled and complained about being handed all the Android work because "No one else is up for the fucking job." But Lee rolled her eyes and stood up, leaving the office. When Hank complained... her mind drifted off to one though. "Your kid wasn't the only one to die in the hands of an Android." But she knew her words would be too harsh. She could hear Hanks silent mutters as Connor followed behind him. Lee watched as the Android tried being all nice with the grumpy old man but he wouldn't budge. "It's an honor to be working with you lieutenant." Lee heart Connor compliment hank. "I'm sure we'll make a great team... Now that we are partners, it would be great to get to know each other."

Lovely || Detroit Become Human || Connor x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang