Part 10

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Connor ran towards the Deviant and so did Lee. As she watched Connor and Rupert jump onto a train she took a sharp turn and was able to catch up to Rupert. "Like I told you."Lee smiles a Rupert before she charged at him, she saw Connor at the corner of her eye. "Now!" She whispered yelled. Rupert hesitated before pushing her off the roof. Lee grabbed on to dear life. "Connor!" She yelled, trying to push herself up. The Android hesitated before going to save the girl. He reached for her lose hand and gripped hard before pulling her up to his chest. She breathed heavily into him. Lucky her plan wasn't as flawed as she thought it would be.

"Are you alright Lieutenant?" Connor asked, slowly pulling away from her. His hands where in her cheeks, looking her dead in the eyes.

He had began to notice small features on her face. How the rosieness of her cheeks would creep onto her nose and how her eyes would shift from green to blue depending on the light.  "I'm okay, I think I'm fine..." She told him. Even though she had planned that this would have happened, Lee was still afraid that Connor wouldn't come and save her.

"Hey!" Hank calles from behind. "What happened? Where's the Deviant?" He asked, looking and the two as Connor set his hands down on Lee's shoulders.

"He pushed me off the ledge and I was hanging, lucky Connor got here right on time. If it weren't for me, we would have caught the guy..." Lee informed Hank, slightly feeling bad about what had happened.

"We know what he looks like, we'll be able to find him again." Connor reassured, letting go of Lee.

As it became late, Lee was already home and in high alert. Someone had came in and left the door open. She took her gun out of her holster and slowly opened the door. The lights where on in her room and no where else, she could hear a light humming coming from there. She slowly peeked into her room and her heart skipped a beat.

"Markus? H-how are you alive?" She asked, putting her gun down and hugging the Android.

"I was able to piece myself back together in the junk yard... but not everything is the same." He said referring to his eye. Lee caressed the side of his cheek, examining his new eye. "I found Jericho." He told her. "And they told me that you are The Savior... You help deviant androids." Lee pushes herself away from Markus to look at him.

"I don't just help Deviants... I think I helped create them."

"What do you mean?" He asked, sitting back down on her bed, Lee sitting beside him.

"You know when I started sneaking around with Elijah Kamikaze?" She asked and he nodded. "Well while that happened, there where days when I would help Chloe pass the Turing test... I would help Elijah update her software to a point where I believed she could be human enough... and Elijah made several more updates, making her even more human that I thought she could be... My father helped as well if you remember- he donated to the program."

"How is Carl?" Markus asked, looking a little saddened.

"He's a little weak since what happened but he's doing better." Tinley paused before fiddling with her fingers. "He misses you... We both do, but we know it's for the best that you stay in Jericho."

"It's not what I imagined... But I came to ask if you have any spare bio components we could spare?"

"Of course, I'll get you a few kits and you should be in your way." Markus nodded before following her into a dark closet.

But once lit up, it was a hall with rows of spare bio components and blue blood

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

But once lit up, it was a hall with rows of spare bio components and blue blood. "For now I can only give you five bottles of blue blood, and maybe ten to twenty pieces of bio components that are multi-compatible. I'm running low on stock since there have been more and more Deviants..."

"How's it like?" Markus asked, picking out the bio components he needed.

"How's what like?" Lee questioned back

"Hunting Deviants with the Android deviant hunter when you're the deviant savior?"

"Oh... it makes my job as savior hard. I always have to be careful and it's not easy when you get recognized... I think Connor would feel betrayed-"

"He doesn't feel anything, Tinley."

"He feels something... If he didn't, he would have left me hanging off a ledge and he didn't... trust me when I tell you that he feels something."

The two stopped packing up kits when they heard the doorbell. Lee walked back to her room and looked at the camera monitor she had installed a few days ago. "Shit. It's Connor... Finish joy the kits we have packed and go out the back door- I'll stall him as much as I can." Markus grabbed her wrist before she left.

"Be careful with him... he can't be trusted."

Lees shoulders dropped with a sigh. "I know..." she trailed before Markus kissed her forehead and let her go.

She walked to her front door and leaned against the frame, pulling her sweater together. "Connor, what are you doing here so late?" She asked him, looking around the neighborhood.

"There's a new lead at the Eden Club- I was wondering if you would like to come along?"

"You has me at new lead... let me go get my gun."

Lee quickly got get fun before catching a glimpse of Markus going through the back door of her house. She then walked back with Connor and locked her door. "Let's go get some coffee before picking up Hank... I know he's gonna need it."


While at the coffee shop, it started to rain. Both the human and Android ran into the store, more for the sake of Tinley catching a cold. "Can I get one black coffee and a white mocha please?" She ordered, sliding her card and making the transaction. "Right away Miss." The barista nodded. As the two stepped to the side, Lee noticed that Connor was being distant.

"Is there something going on that I don't know about?" She asked the Android.

"Is there something going on that I don't know about?" She asked the Android

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Nothing of importance." He respond dryly, his LED ring turning yellow. Lee scoffed and took his wrist. "You know you can trust me with anything, right...? She informed him. He nodded and retreaded the coffee.

"We should go now, Lieutenant."


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