Part 05

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Back at the police station, Lee watched as Gavin tried interrogating the deviant. It didn't speak to him and for good reason. The Lieutenant slammed his hands down on the metal table and Lee sighed. She pushed the microphone button and spoke, "Remember Gav, there's no need in harming the deviant... They don't feel anything, you'd be destroying it." The woman felt sour when she called the deviant it.

She saw most androids as humans.

The memory of her past gave her skin crawl. She dug her nails into her palm, letting the memory get under her skin. "Lieutenant, is everything alright?" Connor put his hand on her shoulder, wanting to know if she was okay. As calm as Lee was, she  wanted to slap his hand away, and grip his neck against a wall, but no... Connor wasn't him, wasn't it. She let her nails slide out of her skin and sighed. "I'm fine, thank you Connor." A sad smile rose upon her lips as she put her hand on his, looking down at the floor sorely.

Gavin watched their actions roll out and became jealous. They had a past together and it seemed like she had moved on. Worst of all, it was with an android, like the one who ended it all. He knew he couldn't be mad forever, he wanted to, but Lee wasn't like most and everyone knew it. She was a sweet and charming girl who saw the good in everyone, even the worst of them all. That was her weakness, being too naive.

Gavin came out of the interrogation room and looked at the clock. "Why don't you do your magic and head on out, you have that event to go too." He told her. She turned around to look at the clock and sighed. "You're right..." Connor looked back and fourth between the two. Where they previously in a relationship? He asked himself before listening back into the conversation.

"What should we do after Tinley?" Gavin asked, looking to the other Lieutenants. "I could try questioning it." Connor suggested Gavin laughed before leaning against the wall. Lee looked over at Hank, mentally agreeing that it wasn't such a bad idea. Hank rolled his eyes, knowing that there was no other way. "What do we have to lose?" He asked as Gavins smile dropped. "Go ahead, suspect's all yours."

Both Connor and Lee walked into the interrogation room. The CyberLife android stood, watching Lee as she move towards the deviant. The woman sat down by him, placing her white bag on the table. "I won't be here for long but I'll fix you up in the mean time." The Android said nothing put place his arms out to the woman. "So. I'm going to ask you a favor- are you alright with that?" Once again, the Android said nothing and nodded. "Connor over there," She said pointing to the android across the room. "-is going to ask you some questions. What ever you do, you must answer to his questions... Can you do that for me?" The Android didn't respond but Lee knew that it wasn't an easy task. She sighed and finished the final touches on the Android. "Corporate, or they will never let you be free." Lee told them before she went back into the other room.

Lee was quick on her feet to get to the locker-room. She let her fingertips settle on the blue board for recognition as it unlocked her locker. Grabbing one bag and putting the other in, she ran to the bathroom towards the biggest stall to change. Quick and with care, Lee removed her shirt with her left hand, not wanting to drag in more pain to her right arm. Stripping down to her underwear, she slipped out a orange copper silk dress from her bag and sighed,  shoving all her other clothes into the bag.

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