Part 12

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Lee watched over the metal fence, looking out into the waters and into the bridge. The wind blew her hair back and she took a deep breath in. Connor was in the car, doing whatever he did when he closed his eyes for a while.

"Is there something in missing?" Hank asked to her. Lee turned around a rose a brow "About you and Connor?" He continued. "Because back there, he looked at you like you where his everything."

Lee gave him a light chuckle. "You're crazy." She told him before sitting beside him as Connor walked towards them.

The three where quiet for a while.

"Nice view, huh?" Hank said out loud, to no one in particular. "I used to come here a lot before..."

"Before what?" Connor asked, Hank letting out a questionable mumble. "You said you used to come out here before... Before what?" The Android continued to ask

"Before... Before nothing..." Hank responded with a grumble.

"Can I ask you a personal question, Lieutenant?" Connor asked, crossing his arms.

"Do all androids ask personal questions, or is it just you?"

Connor ignored his question, "Why are you so determined to kill yourself?" He asked. Lee sighed and stoop up from her seat, going back to where she was once standing before. She already had this conversation with Hank before, several times and the answer was always the same. "Sone thing, I just can't forget..." Hank began. " Whatever I do, they're always there... Gnawing at me. I don't have the guts to pull the trigger... So, I killed myself a-little every day... That's probably difficult for you to understand, huh, Connor."

The Android walked beside Lee and looked at her. " We're Not making any progress on this investigation... The deviants have nothing in common. They're all different models, pretty much the different times, in different places..." He informed.

"There must be some link... They've all been obsessed with RA9, other than the Tracy's... It like their myth, something they invented that's not in their program." Lee told Connor, but she just scoffed.

"Androids believing in God... Fuck, what's this world coming to?" Hank commented, taking a swing from his beer. Lee want surprise to discover that Hank had left a secret stash in her car.

"You seem preoccupied, Lieutenant. Is it something to do with what happened it back at the Eden Club?"Connor asked, stepping closer to him.

"Those two girls... They just wanted to be together. They really seemed, in love." Hank told him. Lee took a quick glance at Connor and the Lieutenant noticed.

"You seemed troubled Lieutenant... I didn't think machines could have such an effect on you..." The Android said with a hint of concern.

"What about you, Connor?" Hank questioned, standing up from his seat and walking towards him. "You look human, you sound human, but what are you really?"

" I am whatever you want me to be, Lieutenant. Your partner...Your buddy to do drink with... Or just a machine, design to accomplish a task." Connor told him.

" You could've shot those two girls, but you didn't. Why didn't you shoot Connor?" Hank asked, shoving the Android back.

"Hey, come on Hank, that's enough-" Lee interrupted, as Hank still continued to speak. "Something scruple suddenly enter your program?"

"No..." Connor defended. "I just decided not to shoot. Lee was in the way- she could have gotten hurt ." He declared.

Lee put her hand on Connors shoulder and looked at his profile. Hank shook his head and pointed his gun at Connor. "Hank, what the fuck..." She muttered, slowly starting to pull Conner behind her but he would nudge.

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