(Y/N) : "Validar"

Validar, Leader of the Grimleal

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Validar, Leader of the Grimleal

Level - 37

HP - 5700/5700

STR - 35

END - 32

AGI - 36

INT - 83

WIS - 81

LCK - 42


You crouched down and got as close to the edge as possible to hear his conversation.

Validar : "Remember, I want the Emblem in my hand and Emmeryn dead on the floor, let nothing distract you from either purpose"

Assassin : "As you will it!"

(Y/N) : 'So where at this point of the story, right before Ylisse falls'

His assassin leaves and he chuckles to himself, that's when Asia came up behind you to see what was going on.

Asia : "Is everything alrigh-"

An arrow fly's by your head and just before it could strike Asia, you grabbed it and broke it in your hand.

Archer : "There are some people on the roof!"

(Y/N) : 'Crap, I was hoping for a sneak attack, but oh well better let the Shepherds know I'm here'

Knowing the Shepherds are just below your feet, you reel your fist back and punch a hole in the roof allowing you to jump down carrying Asia bridal style. As soon as you land you hear a familiar voice.

Chrom : "(Y/N)?"

(Y/N) : "Hey Chrom, did I miss the party?"

Chrom : "Save the jokes for later, please help us push back these invaders"

You then pull out a blacksteel katana in your right hand and a staff in the left.

(Y/N) : "With pleasure"

With your back turned, an assassin tries to catch you in a sneak attack but you cast a soul spear straight through his chest and he falls to the ground dead.

Robin : "What was that? I've never seen a spell like that!"

(Y/N) : "I'll explain later, Asia head in that room with Marth over there"

Lucina : "So you knew I was here?"

(Y/N) : "Yes, I could sense your life signature when I came in"

Asia heads over to Marth who allows her into the room with Emmeryn.

Chrom : "Who is that girl? I didn't see her when we first met"

(Y/N) : "She's my traveling companion, she's a cleric who can heal people without a stave"

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