Eternal Love

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Susan and Lucy handled the setting up and party planning, while Anna and Sydni helped Abby get ready.
"You look so beautiful." Anna said as Abby looked in the mirror.
"Really?" Abby asked.
"Absolutely gorgeous." Sydni said.
"Thank you guys." Abby said as she hugged them.
"And thank you for supporting me. This probably seems crazy since we are so young, and we haven't even known each other very long but-"

"Hey." Anna said, stopping her.
"Your in love. Anybody from a hundred miles away can see that. Your in love and you have to leave the love of your life. I can't imagine the pain your feeling.
So your declaring him yours, forever."

Abby smiled, as she tried not to cry
"Thank you Anna. But please don't ruin my makeup." All the girls laughed.


"You look so handsome!" Peter said as Edmund stood in front of the mirror.
"Thanks." Edmund said with a smile.
"I cannot believe my little brother is getting married before I do." Peter said with a chuckle, and Edmund laughed.

"Its a shame she wont get to rule Narnia with us." Peter said.
Edmund looked down at the ground.
"Yeah." He choked out.
"It is."

"Oh Ed." Peter said wrapping his arms around his brother. Edmund buried his face into Peters chest.
"I don't want her to leave Pete." Edmund said, as he began to cry.
"I love her, I love her so much, I don't want to lose her."
"I know this is hard Edmund." Peter said.
"We don't want them to leave either, we have all become such great friends.
But what your doing is so amazing!"

Edmund sniffed as he pulled out of Peters embrace.
"You think so?" Edmund asked.
"Of course! Your in love with her.
And you will have to say goodbye to her soon. So your pledging your eternal love to her. And declaring her yours forever. I admire what your doing."
"Thank you Pete." Edmund said giving his brother another hug.
"Your welcome."
"Now....Lets go get you a wife!"


When Abby walked down the aisle,Peter escorting her, she was in awe.
The stars in the sky, the moonlight giving them its beautiful natural light.
There were rose petals all the way down the aisle.
Susan and Lucy did a brilliant job, she thought.

When Abby got to the front she took Edmunds hands and have him a big hug.
"You look absolutely stunning!" He said.
"Thank you." Abby said with a smile.
"Are you ready?" Edmund asked.
Abby nodded.
"Let's do this."

   With Aslan as their minister, and all their friends at their side they did it, under the stars.
They vowed the eternal true love to one another.

"You've written your vows." Aslan said with a nod.
Edmund went first.

"Abby. When I first met you, I knew you were something special the second I laid eyes on you. I knew you were a special soul before I even knew your name. Your so beautiful, sweet and you have the prettiest smile I've ever seen, and the Kindest Heart I've ever known. You have made me into a better version of myself.
I love you today, I will love you tomorrow,
I will love you forever. I pledge my eternal love to you."

Abby smiled widely with tears in her eyes. Edmund smiled back.

"Abby." Aslan said as he nodded at her.
Abby took a deep breath and smiled.

"Edmund, I have loved you for longer than you will ever know. I have always loved your smile, your eyes, your sass, your kindness, how sweet you are, and how much you absolutely love your siblings. I love that Aslan made you new and that you are redeemed. You love your family more than anything and I really admire that. Plus you are a living meme!" She said with a laugh.
"When I met you I was so shocked I fainted. You carried me to your room. 
I haven't been able to take my eyes off of you since I woke up.
You saved my life. You make me so incredibly happy.  Every minute of every day I want to spend with you. I am so grateful for the time we have spent together, and the time we will spend together. I love you Edmund Pevensie. I love you more than anyone on this planet. You are my soulmate and I will love you until I take my last breath."

Edmund smiled trying to hold back the tears.

"May I have the rings please?" Aslan asked.
Peter and Anna stepped forward and gave them the rings.

Edmund slipped Abbys on her finger,
"I love you." He whispered to her.
Abby smiled as she put his ring on his finger. "I love you too."

The two then held hands and looked into each others eyes. "Edmund Pevensie and Abby Harris, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

Edmund raised his eyebrows and smiled as he leaned in to kiss Abby and she laughed.
Edmund kissed her, and Abby deepened the kiss, never wanting it to end.
They finally pulled away, both with huge smiles on their faces.

"May I present to you for the first time ever, Mr. and Mrs. King Edmund Pevensie." Aslan said with a smile.


Later that night during the party Abby stood on the balcony, admiring the view and remembering the events of earlier.
Suddenly she felt arms around her waist and smiled.
"Hello wife." Edmund said, kissing her on the lips.
"Hello husband." Abby said with a smile.
"Enjoying the view?" Edmund asked.
"Mhmmm." Abby answered.
"Loving it." She added with a smile.
Edmund laughed. "Come on he said taking her hand and dragging her off the balcony.
"But be quite, if Susan sees us she will go mad that we are leaving our own party." Abby laughed.

The two lay on the beach, looking at the stars, their favorite thing to do together

"This is it."
Abby said.
"What is?" Edmund asked.
"Whenever I am missing you, which I'll miss you every second of every day, but when it's the hardest. I will look at the stars, and I will know, that your still out there. And maybe you will be looking at the stars too."
"I will be." Edmund said with a smile, Abby smiled back

"You see that star?" Edmund asked pointing at the brightest star in the sky.
"Yeah." Abby said as she looked up at it.
"That's you."
"Because you are the brightest shining star in my life. You're even brighter than that one. When I look at that star, I will think of you. And how brightly you shine, and how beautiful you are, and how much I love you." Abby smiled widely at him.

"Now your going to have to stay happy. Your going to have to keep on shining bright, because the brighter you shine and the happier you are, the brighter that star is. That's how I will know you're happy and shining bright. Keep shining bright, okay?"
Edmund asked, tears in his eyes.

"Only if you shine bright too, so that you can be my star."
"I will." Edmund said.
"I will just for you."
Then they embraced each other tightly for at least ten minutes.

"I want you to be happy."
"What?" Abby asked.
"I need you to be happy."
"Find love in your world."
"Edmund no-"
She looked at him with tears in her eyes.

"Your going to Reign as a Queen there for a long time. I can't live with myself if you live a life of misery. Just try. Try to find love, and have a family.
Live Abby.
Live a life worth living.
Be happy."
Abby smiled through her tears.

"I will never love another soul as much as I love you. I love you more than anyone and I will always be in Total Love with you. No matter who I find, or how much I love them, you will always be my soulmate." Tears were streaming down her face now.
"But I will try. For you I will try."

"Thank you." Edmund said with a smile as he wiped her tears away.

There were a few moments of silence before Abby spoke up.

"Lets stay up all night." Abby said.
"What?" Edmund asked with a slight chuckle.
"I want to stay up talking to you all night. Tell me everything about you. And I will tell you everything about me."
"I want to..." Abby took a deep breath."
"I want to leave knowing everything there is to known about you. And I want you to know everything there is to know about me." Abby said with a smile.

"Alright." Edmund said with a smile.
"Lets do it."

A/N: Honestly this is one of my fav chapters it's so beautiful😭😍 only two chapters left guys ahhhh!!!

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