This is My Battle

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"So,I can see your trying to be invincible today aren't you?"
Abby squeezed her eyes shut tight. That was a voice she never wanted to hear again. A voice that made her skin crawl.
A voice that belonged to someone who tried to kill her.
"The darkness." Anna whispered .
"Your The Darkness!!!" She then Shouted.
"I am indeed."

Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy all stood up and drew their weapons.
But Edmund was one step ahead.
"You tried to kill Abby!!!" He shouted to The Darkness.
"Yes, well unfortunately I failed." She replied, annoyed.
"You shoved an axe into her chest!!!"
Edmund screamed, absolutely infuriated.
"And yet...she is still alive."

"What do you want with us?" Peter asked, weapon drawn, ready to fight any second.
"I want her life." The Darkness said, pointing to Abby.
"Why?!" Edmund asked.

"Because she makes you happy." She said as she looked at Abby and Edmund.
"My job is to make you miserable.
My job is to make everyone miserable. I want to take away all the light in this world, and replace it with darkness.
To do that I must kill her, because that will make all of you extremely unhappy."

Anna and Sydni helped Abby to her feet, and she walked closer to the darkness.
"Now." The Darkness continued.
"Because you simply refuse to die physically, I have no choice but to kill you mentally."
Abby took a deep breath.
"I will taunt you and torment you, until your light is so burnt out it cannot be turned back on. And you will be consumed by your own hatred of yourself."

"Oh you just try!" Edmund said, running towards her ready to strike.
But Abby stopped him.
"No, Ed."
Edmund stopped and looked at her with worry, and tears in his eyes.
"This is my battle. Let me fight it."

Edmund smiled slightly, but only for a second.
"I can't lose you again!" Edmund chocked out.
"You won't Ed. You won't."
Edmund bit his lip.
"Are you sure your up for this?"
Abby took a deep breath.
"I'm sure."
"I love you." Edmund said taking a step back.
"Love you too."

"Bring it on. Abby said, voice full of confidence. Although she felt extremely sick to her stomach and incredibly nervous. But she didn't let it show.

The darkness laughed.
"Lets start with this environment." She started.
"It's s much too bright."
She then used her powers to make the moon and stars disappear, and everything around them turned black.
Even though it was extremely late at night, she somehow made it even darker.

"Your flawed." The Darkness said.
"Everyone is flawed!!" Abby shot back.
"Ah but none are as flawed as you."
Abby glared at her.
"You have less than zero confidence in yourself. No matter how many people tell you your beautiful, your still going to hate what you see in the mirror."
Abby looked at the ground, tears in her eyes.
"You have never had any friends. It's because everyone thinks shy is a nice word for stuck up. Which you are!
And those girls over there that you call your friends, they hate you.
Your not good enough for them! When they thought you were dead they were overjoyed. They cried when you woke up because they were so sad that you did.
They are not your friends and they never will be!!!"

Abby was crying now, she looked over to Sydni and Anna.
"We love you. We love you so much!!! I promise we do don't listen to her!!" Anna said, tears rolling down her checks.
"It's not true Abby! It's not!" Screamed Sydni as she too started to cry.

"And as for that smile of yours." The Darkness said as Abby looked back at her.
"The one thing you might have the slightest bit of confidence in, its pathetic!!! It is fake!!! No matter how many people tell you they like it, it will never be beautiful. It will always be an ugly, fake lie, that the whole world hates."

Abby tried to control her crying, but she couldn't. She thought of so many things to say but it was impossible because of how hard she was crying.

"And as for that boyfriend of yours, he's not! He hates you with every fiber of his being. You should have seen his face when I stabbed you with that axe. He was so relieved. And do you know what he said to me? He said, thank you."

At hearing this Abby collapsed to the ground and started gasping for air, still unable to control her crying.

"ABBY!" Edmund Shouted, rushing to her side.
"What did you do to her?!" Anna screamed, as she and Sydni ran over to her as well.
"I'm burning out her light." The Darkness Replied, with a smirk.

"These people that you think care about you, they don't. They hate you! They are liars if they ever said otherwise.
Especially Edmund.
He has done so much damage during his time in Narnia. Because of him a fox and a faun were turned to stone.
He almost cost his siblings their lives.
His sister nearly drowned!
Because of him Aslan died!!!

Edmund held back his tears, but he was starting to get weak.
Abbys eyes were closed and she was pale, she was barely breathing, she was trying hard to stay awake. She could hear every word the darkness said, and tried to find the strength to stand up, but she just couldn't.

"But I suppose it is all Edmunds fault.
After all he did go to The Witch. He willingly left his family.
He betrayed them.
What makes you think he wouldn't betray you too? After all Edmund Pevensie is a traitor."

That did it. Abbys eyes shot open and she gasped, sitting up quickly.
She was on her feet in a second, a look of pure rage on her face.
"Don't talk about him like that!!!!!" Abby Shouted.

Then she screamed, lifting her hands up, and pushing them forward.
But when she did, The Darkness flew back, landing about one hundred feet away.

"I am a light!" Abby said as she walked towards the darkness, her hands out.
"I am a brighter light than anybody.
Those bad things you said about me can't hurt me. You don't know me. You are not me. And you don't get to judge me.
You don't get to take away my light.
And you don't get to take away anyone else's either.
You don't get to make Narnia dark, anymore."
Abby said, as she stood about 20 feet from The Darkness. She then stuck her arms straight out on either side, her palms facing outward, towards two huge trees on either side of her.

"You don't get to do any of that anymore." Abby said.
Then, she moved her right hand upwards, the tree being uprooted from the ground as she did.
She pulled her hand back behind her head and then pushed it forward as hard as she could.
The tree flew towards The Darkness and landed on top of her.
Abby did the same with the tree on the other side, as it too hit The Darkness.
"Because you, are gone!!!"

Abby ran forward to see what damage she had done, everyone else following.
She walked up to the trees where The Darkness had been.
She looked where she was lying and saw nothing. Just two large trees lying on the ground.

"She's gone." Abby said as she turned around to be met with the face of Edmund.
Edmund hugged her tightly and she hugged him back.
"I'm so proud of you."
Abby smiled at him before she fell to the ground.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated as much guys. I started school and it really sucks. But I have the book finished I just have to remember to publish the chapters haha. Plus there are only 9 left after this and that makes me sad😭
Also!!! Don't let ANYBODY burn out your light ever!! Nobody can dull your shine.

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