She did it

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Abby lie awake in bed that night. When the Pevensies told them about the darkness, and how it liked to get rid of any form of light, it had really scared her. Especially since everyone told her she was happy all the time and smiled a lot.
She hadn't been able to sleep since she was so scared. She rolled over to look at the clock. 2:00 A.M. Abby sighed.
She had been in bed for hours and still hadn't fallen asleep. She was about to go walk around the castle or something, since she obviously wasn't falling asleep anytime soon, but just then she heard a scream.

The scream scared her so badly that she fell out of the bed. She sat up quickly, too quickly and managed to slip off the edge and hit the floor.
She sighed as she made her way to her feet, rolling her eyes at her clumsiness.
As she stood up she heard crying, and she knew whose it was.
She opened the door and walked directly across the hall to the room where the crying was coming from.

She quietly knocked on the door.
"Ed?" She asked opening the door slowly.
Edmund was sitting on the edge of his bed, crying quietly with a look of fear on his face. Abby sat down beside him.
"Edmund, are you alright?" She asked worried.
"Nightmare." He replied.
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Jadis." He choked out.
"It's always her. She died three years ago and yet, she still haunts me."
There was silence.
"Beruna." Edmund said with effort.
"The dream. It was about Beruna."
"When she stabbed me, except it was different this time."
"Different? What do you mean different?"
Edmund took a deep breath.
"It was like I was outside of my body watching everything happen.
I saw myself get stabbed. I
saw the look of horror on Peters face, and then one filled with absolute rage.
I saw my body fall to the ground, it looked so frail.
I saw blood, so much blood, right when she stabbed me.
I saw that fat dwarf, whose name I never really learned, come over to me with an axe and Susan shoot him with her bow and arrow.
I saw my siblings run over to me with terrified expressions on their faces and tears in their eyes.
I heard, myself gasping for air, but I couldn't get any, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't breathe.
It was so awful. I saw..."

Meanwhile Peter and Lucy were standing outside Edmunds door.
He had nightmares often and it was usually one of them who ended up comforting him.
But when they heard Edmund talking they decided to wait and see who had beat them in there.
But Peter was having such a hard time listening to Edmund and had tears in his eyes. He just wanted to hug his brother.
"I can't take it anymore, I'm going in!"
Peter whisper shouted to Lucy from outside Edmunds door.
"No!" Lucy replied grabbing his hand.

Edmund took a big deep breath, and Abby cupped his hands in hers. "It's alright. You don't have to-"
"I want to." Edmund said determined.

"I saw..." Edmund swallowed thickly.
"I saw my blood. Covering the ground, the-the grass was a dark shade of red. There was so much blood.
My siblings surrounded me, Susan took my helmet off and put my head in her lap. Peter gripped my arm so tightly I was sure he would end up braking the bone. Lucy poured a drop of her cordial in my mouth and it all goes black.....usually.
But not this time. No, this time I can see, myself and my siblings. I looked so....pale, so still, not breathing, not moving. I looked...dead.

Peter looked like could burst into tears any second. He looked so scared, so heartbroken. He wouldn't look at anything but me. Lucy was crying, and Susan looked as if she were about to as well. She was stroking my hair, Susan was. She always does that, but she was holding onto it for dear life this time.
Then...I coughed weakly...then I coughed again and opened my eyes. I looked at Lucy, then Susan, who both had huge smiles spread across their faces. Then I looked at Peter. He looked so relieved. He was just about to hug me when....."

Edmund took a deep breath. "She did it." He forced out, seeing the image and squeezing his eyes shut tight."
"What did she do Ed?" Abby asked in a concerned, fearful tone, although she was scared to hear the answer.
"She-she s-st-stabbed me." Edmund forced out.
Abbys eyes went wide and her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What-but-how?!"
"She saw that I was alive and walked over to me and shoved her wand into-my-my it would k-kill me this time."
Susan and Lucy screamed and looked as if they were going to pass out. Peter screamed, and started sobbing. Then he- he gripped my b-body as though he would never let go...and they all just continued to shake me and shout my name.
Then I woke up."

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