You Look Perfect

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Lucy opened Susans Wardrobe as Susan looked the girls over deciding what colors they would each look best in. "So." Said Lucy. "Which dresses shall i get?" "Hmmm"said Susan examining the girls. "This one...." she said pointing at Anna. "Would look stunning in a pink color."
But not a hot pink nor a purple. A sort of magenta color. "Got it." Lucy said searching for a Magenta colored dress. "Will this work?" Lucy asked Susan pulling out a dress to show Susan. "Hmmm"
Exclaimed Susan. It's more of a maroon color will suit her!" Susan said holding it up to Anna. Anna smiled as Susan handed her the dress. "Well...go try it on!" Susan said with a smile. "Okay!"
Anna said with a smile and excited laugh.
Susan continued looking over Abby and Sydni deciding which colors would suit them best. She whispered a few things to Lucy who frantically began searching for a dress. "I am not sure we have that color Su-"
"We do! And it's a rather stunning dress actually and will suit her quite well." Susan said looking both girls over. Abby and Sydni tried to figure out which one she was talking about but couldn't. Susan was rather slick at seeing that they didn't. "Aha!" Shouted Lucy. "Found it!"
The girls looked at Lucy anxious to see the dress.
But just then Anna walked in.


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"Well." She said. "What do you think?" She said twirling in her dress. "I think." Abby said walking to her. "My Dear Little Narnian Best Friend looks absolutely Gorgeous!!!" Abby said hugging her. "Really?" Anna asked with an excited smile on her face. "Absolutely!" Said Sydni. You look amazing girl!"
"Thanks." Said Anna smiling as she hugged Sydni.

"What do you two think?" Anna asked Susan and Lucy with a hopeful look. Susan and Lucy glanced at each other with a bit of worry in their faces. Susan sighed and looked at Anna. "I think.." she said slowly. "You look....wonderful!!!!" Susan said running to Anna.
Anna smiled wide. "Really?!" She said with excitement.
"You truly look amazing!" Exclaimed Lucy running towards Anna.
Anna smiled widely again. Happy that all the girls approved.

"Whose next?!" Susan asked running back to the wardrobe.
Lucy followed Susan excitedly with a smile on her face. Lucy slyly handed Susan the next dress careful not to let the girls see it.
"Sydni" said Susan walking over to her. "Yeah?"
"Call me crazy but i think you would look wonderful in black."
"Oh I love black! I wear it all the time back home-"

The three girls looked at each other. Sydni was obviously nervous, and thought she had ruined everything. "We have to tell them eventually" whispered Anna. "But not yet! We need to be better friends with them first!
And meet Peter and Edmund so we don't have to go through the whole story twice. "They don't seem to have noticed y'all." Abby said looking at the two sisters.

Lucy had just given Susan Sydni's dress and was now looking for the next one.
"Okay guys" said Sydni. "We have to tell them when we have the four of them together."
"Deal?" Asked Sydni.
"Deal." Abby and Anna said in unison.

Into Narnia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora