I promise

202 10 18

"Our world?" Peter questioned. 
"Your from Finchley?" Lucy asked.
"No. We are from a different part of your world." Sydni said.
"We are from America."
"America!!?" Lucy said excitedly. "I have always wanted to go there."

"What part of America are you from?" Edmund asked not taking his eyes off of Abbys.
Abby noticed this and smiled at him.

"Well that's the tricky part." Anna said. We are all from different parts of America."
"You don't live near each other?" Lucy asked. 
"No." Answered abby.
"Then how do you know each other?" Susan questioned.

"We met through something called the Internet" Abby said.
"The internet?" All four Pevensies questioned.
"How long have we been gone?" Lucy asked.
"Well here's the thing. We aren't exactly from the same year as you guys are either."
"Well what year are you from?" Asked Peter.
"Well you guys are from the 1900s, we are from the 200s." Said Sydni.
"2020?!!" Lucy questioned.
"Woah." Lucy said.
"But how did you get here?" Edmund asked.
"The same way you did." Replied Sydni. "Magic." Said Abby smiling.
Edmund smiled back.

"So this internet thing-" Susan started but was cut off by Peter.

"How about you explain it to us over lunch?" He said. "I'm starving."
"Sure." The girls said.

"I'm starving" Sydni said with a laugh as Anna went to help Abby up.
"I'm fine, I'm fine." Abby said.
" I know you are." Anna said. "But I need my best friend alive."
"So you have to stay that way okay?" "Promise." Abby said with a smile. Anna smiled back. Now come on lets go eat.


"So the Internet is this computer network that knows pretty much anything as well as a place where you can talk to people from all over the world in an instant?" Susan said.
"Basically." Sydni replied.
"And that's how you all met?" Lucy asked. "Yes" Anna replied.

"Y'all are very famous in our world." "Really?" Lucy asked, a hint of excitement in her voice.
"Yes." Anna said excitedly. There's a big group of us who call ourselves Narnians and we are all huge fans of you guys as well as Narnia.

"People will know our names in the next millennium?" Edmund asked.
"Yes." Replied Abby with a smile.
"Woah." Peter, Susan and Lucy said. 

Abby turned to Edmund. "Especially yours." She said. Edmund smiled.
"What do you mean?" He questioned. "Lets just say in the fandom, that's what groups like us are called, your definitely a fan favorite.
"Really?" Edmund asked excitedly.
"Even more than Peter?"
"Especially more than Peter." Abby Replied.
"Yes!!" Edmund cheered and Abby laughed.

"Well did you guys enjoy the food?" Peter Asked.
"It was delicious."
"I loved it"
"Yes, Thank you so much."
Three voices said at the same time.
Peter laughed.
"I'm glad" He smiled.
"And your welcome."

"So? Susan asked. Would you girls like a tour of the castle.
"Yes!!!" They all replied excitedly.
Susan laughed. "Follow us." She said smiling.


"So that's the throne room." Said Susan. "Wow" Anna said. Admiring the beauty of the huge room where The Pevensies became Kings and Queens of Narnia.

"May we?" Sydni asked walking up to Lucy's throne.
"Of course!" Lucy replied with a smile.

Anna and Sydni rushed to Lucys throne while Abby was already at Edmunds.

She slowly ran her fingers across it taking in every detail. She then looked at the top and admired the engraving of Edmund smashing Jadis' wand.
Abby smiled at Edmunds biggest accomplishment (as he had told her earlier.)

"You can sit." Abby turned to be faced with Edmund smiling at her. She smiled back.
"Sure" Edmund replied.
Abby slowly sat down on the throne and smiled.

"I cannot believe I am sitting on Edmund Pevensies throne!"
Abby said with a huge smile. Edmund laughed.
"Fun isn't it?"

"Come on I want to show you something."
Edmund said grabbing Abbys hand and practically pulling her off the throne. Abby smiled as she jumped up and realized everyone else had already gone.

"Looks like we got left behind." Abby said. "Yeah. Well Susans tour is a
bit boring anyway. You'll have much more fun on mine." Abby laughed.

Edmund lead Abby onto a balcony looking out onto the beach. Abby immediately recognized it as the balcony where Lucy stood watching Aslan leave in the first movie.

"Wow." Abby Exclaimed looking off the balcony at the beautiful beach below.
"It's breathtaking." She said.
"I know." Edmund replied.
"After our coronation I came our here for the first time and thought I might pass out because  the view was so beautiful."
Abby laughed.

There was silence for a few minutes while they took everything in.

"What's it like?" Abby asked breaking the silence.
"To be King I mean." Edmund sighed.  "Well sometimes I feel like I don't deserve it."
Abby looked at him frowning.
"What?" She asked.
"Why on earth would you think that?"

Edmund shrugged.

"I've made a LOT of mistakes. I betrayed my family. I lied to my siblings about finding Narnia. I even made Lucy cry. His eyes teared up. What kind of King does that make me?"

"Edmund look at me." Said Abby. Edmund looked into her beautiful, kind, brown eyes that were now filled with tears as well.

"We all make mistakes. Every single person on this planet makes mistakes. Not a single soul is perfect and that's okay."
"But not mistakes as big as mine." Edmund said looking down.
"Edmund no." Abby said.

"A mistake is a mistake. But mistakes do not define you. You define you."
She said putting her finger on his chest. "And your are forgiven for your mistakes. Your family has forgiven you. Aslan has forgiven you...Edmund I think there's only one person left to forgive."

Edmund looked into her her eyes as his were filled with tears waiting to fall.

"Edmund. Have you forgiven yourself?"
Edmund looked down at the ground as his tears began to fall.

Abby took his hand.

He looked into her eyes and noticed the tears falling down her cheeks as well.
This made him cry harder.

"Why on earth are you crying?" He asked. "I can't bare to see you so sad without becoming sad myself." Abby said. Edmund laughed.

"Wow. You have got to be the kindest soul on earth. And I mean that" Edmund said looking into her eyes which were once again filled with tears.
"Really?!" Abby asked in disbelief. "Really." Edmund said.
Abby smiled bigger than Edmund had seen since he had met her.

"Thank you!"
"No" Edmund said and then he hugged her tightly.
Abby was a bit shocked at first but pulled herself together and wrapped her arms tightly around Edmund.
"Thank you."
"For what?" Abby asked confused.
"For making me realize what I need to do."

Abby smiled.
Edmund finally pulled away and they looked into each others eyes for a good minute.
Then he smiled.
"I...um I gotta go now but..."
He then looked at the sky an down to the beach and smiled.

"I'll see you tonight." He grabbed her hand and kissed it again. "I promise"

A/N: Hey guys I hope your all enjoying this fanfic so far!!! I decided to post this chapter today because I'm honestly super proud of it & it's one of my favs!!! Plus I really want to get to the more interesting parts of the story!!! They are coming soon I promise!
I love the part at the end with Abby and Edmund and it honestly makes me v emotional 😭 Things Are Finally starting to get sooo goood & they are about to get even better!!! Love y'all 💗💗💗

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