The Voice

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  Abby gasped as she awoke to a hand over her mouth and a dagger on her hand.
"Shhhhh" came the cruel voice of someone standing over her. She couldn't tell who it was because their face was covered with a hood. She looked over to Edmund who was still sound asleep, she must have rolled over and let go of his hand cause he was far away from her grasp now.

"Don't worry." The voice spoke.
"My friend here, has cast a spell so that he wont wake up."
Abbys eyes went wide and filled with tears as she looked at Edmund, then to the person standing over him, whose face she also couldn't see."
"Now He will wake up eventually, just not until tomorrow."
Abby swallowed thickly.
"Now your gonna do exactly as we say or-"
"Or he dies!!"
Replied the companion, placing a knife to Edmunds neck.

Abby sighed and squeezed her eyes shut tight as the tears threatened to fall, but she refused to let them.
"All we want to do is cut your hand, with this knife, and then we're gone."
Abby glared at the two.
"If you refuse, or scream he dies." Said the other voice, pressing the knife harder to Edmunds throat.

Abby shut her eyes thinking. There was no way she was going to let Edmund die. If only she could wake him up so he could help her....but she couldn't. Seeing as ehe had no other choice, she nodded, giving them permission.
"Excellent!" The voice said in a sick, cruel tone. Abby cringed as the cold blade touched her skin and squeezed her eyes shut tight.
She gasped, trying her hardest not to scream as the blade slid across her hand. It took every being in her, but she managed to only gasp loudly.

When they finished, Abby was trying hard to catch her breath, but it was near impossible, since there was still a hand over her mouth.
"One more thing." The voice said.
"If you tell anyone about this, we will kill you, in front of him, then we will kill him, slowly and painfully."
Abby looked at them with pure fear and defeat on her face, as a single tear that had managed to escape slide down her cheek.

They both laughed, as the hand was finally removed from her mouth, then,   the one who had put a dagger to Edmunds throat, cast a spell and they both disappeared.

  Abby jumped up from the bed and ran as fast as she could to her room.
She ran into the wardrobe and hid inside, finally remembering to breathe.
She gasped trying to get air, but was having trouble.

She also was crying uncontrollably by now, which wasn't helping her breathing situation.
Her hand was bleeding an awful lot and causing her a great deal of pain, but she could hardly focus on that after what just happened. She sat in the wardrobe holding her knees to her chest, crying uncontrollably, gasping for air, and bleeding a lot.

She was trying to figure out what had just happened, and why had it happened to her.
She knew these people were bad, maybe some of the Witches followers that were still out there? She needed to tell the Pevensies about this, she knew how important it was, but she couldn't.
She couldn't tell anyone.

This was all too much for her to handle, she couldn't bare to think about it, she was traumatized, and doubted she would ever sleep again. She was in so much pain already, and thinking about all this just caused her more so she decided to just stop thinking about it, and just cry.

She still hadn't been able to catch her breath, stop her tears or the bleeding.
She laid down, in the wardrobe. She felt dizzy, sick to her stomach, she was sure she had lost too much blood, and she gave up on trying to catch her breath.
Soon her breathing became very fast and she became very light headed.

She felt her eyes closing, and her breathing slow down dramatically, too dramatically, she was hardly breathing at all now.
She gave up on trying to stay awake and closed her eyes, passing out the second she did.

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