Party Time

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-One week later. Songs for this chapter, #1, Mine by Bazzi, #2, My Heart Goes Bum Bum Bum by Flatsound. Start #1-

"Ava!" Hanna exclaimed as she burst through the front door, "I knew we shouldn't have left the door unlocked," Mika said sarcastically, Grace chuckled as she walked inside of the house. Ava got up off of the couch and hugged Hanna tightly.

"I missed you so much, Ava! Happy birthday to my favorite girl in the world!" "Hey!" Grace shouted as she sat beside Mika. "I thought I was your favorite girl in the world!" Hanna broke the hug with Ava and laughed.

"True, but then what is Ava?" Grace rolled her eyes, "come on, it was a joke it doesn't matter. Come here Ava and give me a hug, it's been forever!" Ava smiled and fast-walked over to where Grace was sitting.

Ava bent over and gave Grace a quick hug, "so, what are our plans exactly?" Mika asked as he turned to Hanna. Hanna smiled, "well, after we all get dressed and ready me and Grace are taking y'all to a party! A real one," Mika furrowed his eyebrows.

"What do you mean a real one?" Grace chuckled, "we all know that neither you nor Ava has been to a real party, so we're taking you to one!" Mika rolled his eyes but smiled, 'I've always wanted to go to a party,' he thought to himself as he got up from the couch.

"We got the outfits like you told us, but I have yet to see Ava's," Mika said, Ava blushed and Hanna smiled. "Of course you haven't seen it yet dumbass, it has to be a surprise!" Hanna then stood up and rushed over to Ava and Grace. "Come on girls, let's go get ready, we need to go soon."

"Wait, soon?!" Mina exclaimed as the girls stood up. Grace nodded, "yeah, after we finish getting dressed we head out, so I suggest you get ready!" Mika rolled his eyes, "no one tells me anything," he muttered as the girls ran up the stairs giggling.

Mika rolled his eyes but smiled as he walked to the hall closet to get his outfit. 'I wonder what Ava will look like,' Mika thought to himself as he carried the outfit to the bathroom so he could put it on. 'No matter what she's wearing, I know she'll look pretty,' Mika thought as he smiled.

"Come on Hanna!" Grace called to Hanna who was putting on her dress in the bathroom. Ava smiled as she looked at Grace, "you look so pretty," Ava said. Grace turned to her and smiled, "thanks! I'm sure you'll look gorgeous, you always do. And don't worry, I'm sure Mika will love it."

Ava blushed, "how did you know I was thinking about what he was going to think?" Grace smiled softly, "it's not too difficult, considering I'm always worried about what Hanna will think. But Mika loves you, and I can tell you love him too. I hope you guys end up getting married, y'all are too cute."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Yeah, sure. Like Mika would even wanna marry me anyway," Grace chuckled, "you have no idea how much e loves you do you?" Ava smiled, "I know he loves me, it's just hard to believe that someone would wanna be with me for life."

Grace nodded, "yeah, I understand," "are you guys ready?!" Hanna yelled from the bathroom. "Hell yeah we are!" Grace yelled, Ava and Grace heard a chuckle from behind the door before it opened revealing Hanna in a beautiful black dress. 

Grace gasped and stood up from the bed she was sitting on. "Fuck... I just fell in love with you all over again," Hanna blushed and smiled. "You think it looks good?" Hanna asked, Ava nodded and stood up. 

"You look gorgeous!" Ava said, Grace's jaw was hanging wide opened and Hanna laughed. "Close your mouth Grace, you look stupid. I know I'm not that pretty," Grace closed her mouth and smiled.

"You are that pretty, but that's beside the point. Let's get your makeup done, Ava, go get dressed." Ava sighed and nodded, "I don't know about this guys, what if I don't look as good as you guys," Grace rolled her eyes as she started applying makeup to Hanna's face.

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