Goodbye and Hello

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-Songs for this chapter, #1, Photograph by Ed Sheeran, #2, Our Lady Of Sorrows by My Chemical Romance. Start #1 now-

"Are you sure?" Mika asked as he sat down on the couch, Hanna nodded. "Yeah, we can get an Uber or something. You guys need time to hang out you know," Mika smiled, "thanks," he said as he wrapped his arm around Ava.

Ava smiled and waved at Grace when she walked in the room, "Grace, I love you so much, no homo though." Grace sat down next to Hanna and rolled her eyes, "Hanna, you are such bullshit we are literally dating!"

Everyone chuckled and Hanna kissed Grace gently, "I know, and I'm lucky to have you," Grace smiled. "Thanks, babe, we should really go now you know. I packed everything up," Hanna sighed and turned to Mika and Ava.

"I don't wanna leave you guys," Ava nodded, "I know, I don't want you guys to leave either. But, you can come back again and we can call all the time," Hanna nodded and stood up. Everyone else followed in her footsteps and stood up.

Mika walked over to Grace and hugged her, "take care of Hanna," "I will," Grace replied, "take care of Ava," Mika smiled and pulled out of the hug. "How could I not?" they both chuckled and turned to see Ava and Hanna hugging each other tightly.

"Bye-bye, I'll see you later Ava," Hanna said before pulling away, Ava gave her a weak smile and she nodded. "Bye, see you later. Stay safe," Hanna nodded and took Grace's hand, "we will, and don't worry Mika we already got our suitcases in the car."

Mika chuckled, "how did you know that I was going to ask?" Hanna shrugged and gave Mika a small hug, "I just knew," Mika nodded and patted her back. Grace gave Ava a hug before Hanna and her walked out the door.

Ava sighed and sat back down on the couch, "so... they're gone," Mika nodded and smiled at her. "Don't worry, they'll be back soon. Star!" Mika called out the last part and Star came running in from the kitchen.

"Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Mika asked as he pet Star, Ava smiled and got up to pet Star as well. "What should we do today?" Ava asked, she was sad that Hanna and Grace were gone but she still wanted to have fun.

"I don't know," Mika said as he walked over to Ava and hugged her. Ava stiffened up, "umm, what's this?" "I felt like a hug," Mika said, Ava hummed and wrapped her arms around Mika. "This is nice," she whispered.

Mika nodded, "I know this might sound weird, but... can we cuddle?" Mika asked. Ava smiled, "Yeah, yeah we can. Umm... can I please wear one of your stupid t-shirts and hold you dumb hand like some stupid bullshit couple would?" Mika chuckled and nodded, "you don't always make sense, but I think I understand what you mean. Hang on," Mika then took off the t-shirt he was wearing and handed it to Ava.

Ava blushed and took the shirt, "I- I didn't mean the one you were wearing dumbass," Mika smiled and walked over to the couch. "What's wrong, am I too sexy without my shirt on?" Ava shook her head and took her shirt off.

"No, you have the ugliest six-pack I have ever seen," she said as she pulled on Mika's t-shirt. Mika laughed and patted the seat next to him, "come and sit," he said. Ava smiled and walked over to sit next to Mika.

"What type of music do you like to listen to?" Mika asked as he pulled out his phone and earphones from his pocket. Ava smiled and grabbed the phone, "what's the password?" she asked.

-Start #2-

Mika blushed, "it may or may not be 'Ava'" Ava smiled as she typed her name into the phone and then went to YouTube. Ava turned on her favorite song and handed Mika and one of the earphones.

Mika smiled and took it, he nodded his head along to the song slowly. "Well... what do you think?" Ava asked, Mika shrugged. "It's not the type of music I like, but it's cool," Mika wrapped his arm around Ava and smiled.

"I love you, Ava, I hope you know that. I'll never stop loving you," Ava blushed and leaned into Mika. "I-I love you too Mika, but, I feel like I'm not enough for you. I feel like you deserve better, I know you deserve better."

Mika gave Ava a sad look, "Ava, you're enough, you're a thousand times enough. I promise you that, and it's so hard to put my feelings into words because I've never loved someone the way I love you, Ava. And you're gorgeous, that's for sure, but my eyes can only adore you, my soul is what fell in love with you. Because I love you, Ava."

A tear ran down Ava's cheek and she pulled Mika into a hug. "Oh Mika, how are you so good with words?!" Mika chuckled, "it must be because I love you so much," Ava smiled, "Well if that's the case," Ava said as she took Mika's hand, "let me hold your stupid hand and sleep in your stupid t-shirts you awful piece of shit," Mika laughed and kissed Ava's forehead.

"Im going to go get some cake, do you want some dear?" Ava nodded and Mika got up to get the bread. Ava hummed to herself as she thought about how kind and sweet Ava was to her. She didn't deserve it, but it sure as hell felt nice.

Ava heard Mika scream and then Mika ran into the living room. Ava jumped up and she looked at Mika with a concerned look, "Are you ok?" She asked. Mika nodded and gulped as he pointed to the kitchen.

"There, there was a s-spider!" Ava burst out laughing, "that's why you screamed?!" Mika blushed and laughed, "maybe, you know what? Forget the cake, I'm not going back in there with the spider."

Ava laughed until she heard her phone ring, Mika walked over to her as Ava pulled her phone out of her pocket. Ava gasped as she saw the caller ID. "Dad...?" Mika asked, Ava gulped and nodded. She was hesitant to answer, she had no idea what her father would say. Ava took a deep breath and tried not to cry as she clicked the answer button.

"So..." Ava's father drawled, Mika took Ava's hands and gave her a reassuring look. "You decided to answer your father for once, listen here bitch, we know where you are. You're not safe anymore, we know everything." "How?!" Ava said quickly, she was dumbfounded, there was no way.

"You know Uncle Josh... he has his ways. Now, I suggest you tell your boyfriend or whatever that he needs to back off and stay away from you. You're mine, he can't touch you!" Ava flinched as her father yelled, "you know what's coming for you, and there's nowhere to run. If you wanna live, you better pack up and come back home. If not... you're in for a hell of a ride bitch."

"You listen here fuckface! You lay a hand on-" Mika called before the phone call ended, Ava's father had hung up with a chuckle. Tears streamed down her face and she crumpled to the ground. Her eyes were wide as she remembered everything.

Mika got on the floor next to Ava and he pulled her into a hug. "I'll protect you Ava, you don't need to worry. You're going to be safe with me, don't listen to him." Ava nodded, even though she knew it wasn't true. Mika couldn't do anything, her father always got what he wanted... always... no matter what...

-Hello everyone! How was your day? I hope it was good! What type of bands/groups/artists do you like listening to? I kinda wanna find more music do give me some suggestions! Also, if there's a song you want me to include in the story let me know! I'll probably put it in and give you a shout out! I love you all sooo much, you don't even know! Have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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