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-Songs for this chapter, #1, Feel About You by Aislin Evans, #2 Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy. Start #1 now-

"Thanks again," Ava said quietly as she got out of the car. Mika smiled and got out of the car as well. "You're welcome," he said as he walked to the back of the car. Ava was already there taking some of the bags out of the trunk.

"I'll wash them for you so their nice and comfortable," Mika said as he took some of the bags out of the trunk. Ava smiled, "thanks," 'I hope she's ok, she's being really quiet,' Mika thought as he closed the trunk and followed Ava up to the front door.

They walked into the house and Ava headed straight to the couch. "Here, I'll take the bags," Mika offered as he started to take the bags out of Ava's hands. Ava nodded, "thank you," Mika nodded slowly as he took the bags to the laundry room.

'I really hope she's ok, I wonder if there's anything I can do to make it better?' Mika thought as he put the clothes in the washer. After he was finished, he sighed and walked back out to the living room.

"I'm going to go pick up Grace and Hanna in the morning, there is some issue with their parents so I need to take a plane to where they live so I can get on a plane with them. Do you want to stay here with Star or come with me?"

Ava sighed as she thought about it, 'I don't want to be alone but I don't want to be a bother,' she thought. "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow... late at night but I'll still be back tomorrow." Ava smiled, "can I pick you guys up at the airport? I have a drivers license," Mika gave her a confused look.

"How do you have a drivers license if you weren't allowed to leave the house?" Ava smirked, "I have my ways. But, can I?" Mika gave Ava a soft smile and he nodded, "of course, I'll text you after we land alright?"

Ava nodded, "wake me up before you go please, I don't want to wake up alone," Mika nodded, "of course, anything for you," Ava chuckled and turned her attention to upstairs. "So, where is Star?"

"Oh! In her crate, I feel so bad for leaving him in there. I'll go get him," Ava smiled as Mika darted off and up the stairs. 'He looks so good today, wait... so what? Why does that matter?' Ava thought to herself.

She shook her head and waited for Mika to come back. Ava turned her head to the towards the stairs when she heard heavy footsteps and she smiled. An adorable, grey, Sher Pei dog was running down the stairs.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Ava exclaimed as Star ran over to Ava and jumped on top of her. "Hey!" Mika yelled which made Ava jump. "Oh, sorry Ava," Mika said softly as he walked up and pulled Star off of her.

"I was yelling at Star, not you," Ava nodded solemnly and Mika groaned. "I'm really sorry, I am," Ava nodded, "I know, it's fine, I'm fine." Mika nodded and pet Star, "Ava?" Ava looked up and smiled at Mika.

"What?" Mika bit his lip and there was a slight pink hue on his cheeks. "Have you ever had a boyfriend?" Ava rolled her eyes, "what do you think?" "Well, I guess not. Have you ever liked anybody?"

'Why is he asking me this?!' Ava asked herself as she contemplated the question. "I don't really know," Ava finally answered. Mika nodded, he looked slightly disappointed. "Why?" Ava asked, Mika shook his head, "no reason, wanna order pizza for dinner?" Mika asked, Ava knew he was changing the subject but she nodded.

"Of course I wanna get pizza, what kinda question is that?!" Mika smiled, "what kind?" "I like all kinds, whatever you want. Oh! Don't get any with mushrooms though! I hate mushrooms," Mika made a disgusted face. "I don't like them either, I'll go order it, I'll be right back."

-Start #2-

Ava smiled as Mika walked away and pulled his phone out of his pocket. "Come here Star," Ava said while patting the seat next to her on the couch. Star wagged his tail and jumped up next to Ava. He laid down and rested his head on Ava's thigh.

"Aw, so cute!" Ava said as she petted Star's head. Star moved his head away and Ava stood up to go get some water. Mika made the mistake of resting his hand on Ava's shoulder without first telling her he was there.

Ava jumped harshly which made her elbow hit Mika's face. She also dropped the glass of water on the floor which got water on the floor and it shattered the glass. Ava looked around at the mess on the floor and she started to cry.

"I-I'm so sorry, please don't hurt me, I'm so s-sorry," Ava said as she bent down and started to pick up the shards of glass. Mika shook his head and raised Ava up by her elbow, making her stand up. Ava sniffled and Mika pulled her in for a hug.

"Oh Ava, I will never hurt you," Mika said softly, "you're safe here with me, you'll never get hurt here," Ava nodded and pulled out of the hug, she looked around the floor as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

"I-" "I'll clean it up," Mika said, interrupting Ava. "Why don't you go sit on the couch and wait for the pizza to get here, ok?" Ava smiled and walked out to the living room. Mika sighed as he started cleaning up the mess.

'I'm so glad she's here now, I'm so glad she's safe here with me,' Mika thought. The doorbell rang and Star started barking, "It's ok Star, relax," Mika heard Ava say as the front door opened. Mika smiled, at least Star and her were getting along.

"Mika, I have the pizza," Ava called from the living room. Mika finished cleaning up the mess before he walked out to the living room and smiled. Ava was watching Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Pt. 1 while eating a slice of cheese pizza.

'This is one of the only things I want in life,' Mika thought to himself as he sat next to Ava and pulled a blanket over them. After a little bit, Ava laid down on the couch and rested her head on Mika's lap.

"Is this... ok?" Ava asked. Mika gulped and nodded, "yup, ok," Ava smiled and turned her head back to the movie. After a few minutes, Mika could tell she was asleep. Tears started rolling down Mika's face as he thought about how precious and cute Ava is and how she didn't deserve anything she had gotten from her family.

Mika quickly set an alarm on his phone for the time he had to wake up and then reached over to take Ava's hand. Mika fell asleep that night while holding Ava's hand tightly, 'this is bliss,' he thought before falling asleep.

-Hello everyone! Are you excited to see Hanna and Grace again? I have a lot of stuff planed for when they show up. I hope you enjoy it! I love you all sooooo much, have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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