Dreams and a Party

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-Warning! There are mentions of graphic stuff in this chapter, possibly including blood, mentions of skin/flesh getting ripped apart and other graphic things. Please don't read if you're not comfortable with such things. Songs for this chapter, #1, Dollhouse by Melaine Martez, #2, My Heart Goes Bum Bum Bum. Start #1 now-

Mika groaned as he rolled out of bed, he stood up and softly smiled at Ava who was laying right next to where he was just sleeping. Last night Ava had come in his room crying, Ava had crawled into bed next to him and cuddled him.

"I need to sleep with you tonight," Ava had said, "I won't be able to sleep if it's not with you," Mika sighed as he remembered the night before. Mika then walked to Ava's room and he looked around.

Mika knew that he shouldn't snoop around, but he couldn't help but wonder if there was anything that he needed to find. Mika sighed as he started looking through Ava's room, he had found nothing and he was ready to give up... until he had looked under her bed.

Mika furrowed his eyebrows as he pulled out what looked like a black journal from under the bed. Mika groaned as he sat down on the bed and opened the journal. "Dream Diary?" Mika whispered as he flipped to the first page.

Mika then opened a random page of the book and grimaced at what he saw. There was what seemed to be a monster, what looked like Ava covered in blood, and then him without any legs. There were captions above the characters and Mika frowned as he saw the one over the monster.

(Monster, dad)

Mika shook his head as he turned the page and started reading what was on the page. Halfway through reading the text, tears started rolling down Mika's cheeks. 'It's so vivid and real,' Mika thought himself as he read about himself getting his legs torn off.

"And that monster ripped his legs off, there was blood everywhere and Mika screamed loudly in pain. He seemed to be in so much pain and I could just stand there and watch, I couldn't move, the monster wouldn't let me. It wasn't like I couldn't move, but I knew if I did, the monster would hurt me worse than Mika. The monster then ripped a piece of flesh and muscle from Mika's face which earned him another scream," Mika winced as he read the last part.

"The monster then dropped Mika to the ground and walked to me. He shoved the piece of flesh into my face and smirked. 'Eat it!' the monster spat as he waved the flesh and muscle in my face. I shook my head but the monster grabbed my jaw which forced my mouth open. He then shoved the piece of Mika's face into my mouth and forced me to chew and swallow it. I threw up afterword and the monster then slapped my face. The monster rushed back over to Mika, he picked him up and bit into his throat. Causing Mika to let out one final scream before falling limp. I then screamed before falling down into darkness... then I woke up."

Mika sniffled as he looked at the tear stains on the page. "Mika?!" Ava asked as she rushed forward and pulled the book out of Mika's hands. Mika looked up at Ava, "what is that Ava?" Mika asked.

"It's... It's my dream diary, I write down all of my dreams in there," Mika let out a sob as he stood up and pulled Ava into a hug. "I'm so sorry Ava," Mika said as he rubbed Ava's back. Ava sighed, "It's ok, you don't have to apologize. Stop crying love, let's go downstairs and get some breakfast ok?"

Mika nodded and let Ava take his hands and lead him downstairs. "I got a text from Hanna, they want to have a little party for my birthday, it's in a week and they want to have it at your house. Is that alright?" Ava asked as she walked over to the stove.

Mika had taken a seat at the table and he watched as Ava started making scrambled eggs. He nodded and sighed, "yeah, that's fine. Ava, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone through your stuff." Ava sighed as she put the scrambled eggs on two plates.

"It's fine Mika," Ava said as she sat down and handed Mika one of the plates. Mika shook his head, "you really dream stuff like that?" he asked. Ava nodded, "either I don't sleep, or I do sleep and have terrible nightmares."

Mika furrowed his eyebrows and it looked like he was thinking. "Ava, are you comfortable sleeping with me from now on? I want to be there when you have nightmares," Ava smiled as Mika took her hands.

"I think that's a good idea, I really don't deserve you Mika," Mika smiled, "no, I don't deserve you, you're so fucking good to me and I don't deserve it sometimes. I know that I can be selfish sometimes and emotional, but I want you to know that I'm always here for you. No matter what, you'll always have me by your side."

Ava smiled, "thank you Mika, I'm always going to be here for you the best I can. I love you so much, and I don't know what I'd do without you. I'd honestly probably be dead right now, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. And I promise you're not selfish at all, I love you so much, Mika. So much."

Both Mika and Ava smiled, "alright," Ava said suddenly to break the silence. "Enough with the lovey-dovey shit, what are you going to do for my birthday?" Mika blushed, "I- you... you'll have to wait and see."

Ava rolled her eyes, "well, are we going anywhere?" Ava asked as she took a bite of her eggs. "Well, yeah. I was actually thinking about taking you to meet that rapper you really like, NF." Ava gasped, "Mika are you kidding me?! You're gonna take me to meet NF?!"

Mika nodded, "mhm, I know you've been wanting to go love, after that, I was going to take you to get some food and then we can come home and cuddle," Ava smiled, "you really are the best Mika," Ava said with a big smile.

Mika reached over and took Ava's hand, "Ava?" Ava looked at Mika's hand and then his face. "What?" Mika sighed, "would you, would you marry me if I asked...?" Ava blushed and furrowed her eyebrows, "maybe, I want to say that I would but... I can't make that call on the fly. I'm sorry," Mika smiled, "it's fine, it was just a random question."

Ava nodded and turned back to her eggs. Mika chuckled and took another bite of food. They ate the rest of breakfast in silence and held each other's hand. 'I love the way her hand feels in mine,' Mika thought as he looked into Ava's eyes, 'I just want to spend the rest of my life with her,' Mika smiled as he finished the food on his plate. 

-Hello everyone! What do you think is going to happen next...? It might be obvious lol, but please tell me in the comments what you think! I hope you had a good day, and I'm sorry if you didn't. I love you all sooooo much!! Have an amazing rest of your day/night-

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