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-Songs for this chapter, #1, Leave The City by Twenty One Pilots, #2, Polarize by Twenty One Pilots. Warning, mentions of wounds-

"Chance?!" Ava said with a surprised tone in her voice. Chance glared at Ava and raised his upper lip in disgust. "Ugh, it's you," he said while letting go of Ava's shirt, he even shoved her back a little bit as he did.

Ava rolled her eyes, "I almost wish I hadn't saved you now, it would be payback for the nose," Chance said. Ava groaned, "oh shut up, what do have a stick up your ass or something?" Ava asked, Chance scoffed. "No, but I have this," he flipped Ava off.

"And it can go up your ass if you wish... in a good and bad way. Whichever you want," he raised his eyebrow and smirked. Ava was dumbfounded, 'he still wants to be my boyfriend or something?' she asked herself.

Ava shook her head, "shut up asshole," she said before kicking him in the balls. Chance grinned and gripped his junk as he bent over. "Fuck off bitch, I hope I never see you again!" Ava smiled and walked off, "same to you fuckface!"

Ava started waking off but Chance called out to her, "Wait, are you ok? You're limping and you're carrying a bag. Ava...?" Ava turned around and snarled at him, "I'm fine," 'not true, I need help, I'm hurt really badly,' "and even if I wasn't I wouldn't want your help."

Chance nodded and stood up before dusting himself off. "Ok, now begone THOT!" Ava chuckled slightly and Chance gave her a little smile. He seemed to catch himself though and he frowned. Ava limped off to one of the coffee shops that were close by.

She got a mocha frappuccino and a cheese danish before sitting down and thinking about her situation. "I'll have to sleep on the streets tonight," she whispered. Ava's head was hurting badly still and all of this walking on her foot wasn't helping her at all.

Ava ate the food quickly and then finished drinking the frappe. It was good to rest and refuel, but it was time to get back on the road. Ava strode out of the room happily since she was refreshed. It only got colder as the day went on and Ava was shivering not too long after she had stopped. Ava decided to take a break and rest her aching body.

Ava looked around the buildings around her to see if there was a clock nearby. "Four o'clock," Ava whispered to herself, 'I'll be at Ava's at eight AM tomorrow if I follow my plan,' Ava thought to herself as she got back up.

-Start #2-

As she was picking up her bag, she felt a presence behind her. Ava whipped around and she saw a group of three rough looking boys. "Hello princess," one of them said with a huge grin. Ava rolled her eyes and flipped them off as she started walking away.

One of the boys grabbed her arm, "not so fast beautiful," "yeah," another one chimed in as he grabbed Ava's waist. "You can't get away that easily baby girl," Ava was scared again, what were these boys going to do to her.

"I-I- what to you want from me?" Ava asked, one of the boys chuckled, "we don't want anything from you sweetheart, we want you..." Ava gasped as she realized what was going on. She quickly got out of the boy's grip and she bolted out of there.

Ava heard one of the boys chuckle and then she felt something hit the back of her head. Ava winced and turned around, there lay a shoe on the ground... stopping was a mistake. Ava was tackled to the ground by one of the boys, "you don't follow our instructions you get hurt baby girl," he said as he stood up and aimed a kick for her stomach.

He kicked her three times and Ava let out a scream. "Get away from her boys!" Ava heard a man yell. The boys scattered and ran away quickly, Ava lay there shivering on the ground since she was still scared.

Ava felt strong hands lift her up and set her on her feet. Ava turned around and saw an old man smiling at her. "Are you alright dear? Here, your bag," he handed Ava her back. Ava smiled and nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine thank you," the old man nodded and gestures to what Ava assumed was the building he had come out of. "Come inside, you can have a drink to warm you up before you continue," Ava nodded and followed the man inside of the shop.

Ava sighed as she walked in, it was nice and warm. Ava sat down on a chair and waited, a few minutes later he old man brought her a hot chocolate in a to-go cup. "Here you go, now you can be on your way.

Also, here is some money for a bus," the old man handed her five dollars. Ava smiled and stood up, she winced slightly because of her stomach and foot. "Careful!" the man said gently, "thank you so, I'll see you around?" The man nodded and Ava turned around and walked out the door.

Ava did end up getting on a bus but it didn't take her all the way to Mika's house. The hot chocolate was defiantly helping to revive her. Ava checked her GPS and saw that she was only ten minutes from Mika's house, she wouldn't have to sleep on the street after all!

Ava sighed and threw away the cup in the trash can at the bus stop. It was now nine o'clock and really cold outside. Ava was really tired and she fell down multiple times. Her face was bruised from falling and her nose was red from the cold.

It had snowed so there was snow on top of Ava and on her face too. Ava smiled weakly when she saw Mika's house. She walked to the house as quickly as she could with her aching foot. Ava sighed as she walked onto the front porch.

Ava rang the doorbell multiple times before she at down on the concrete of the porch. Ava heard a dog barking, 'Star,' she thought while remembering the dog Mika had gotten. "Star! Relax it's ok!"

Ava smiled when she heard Mika's voice and tears started running down her face when she realized it was all over now, she was safe now. Ava looked up as she door opened and Mika gasped. "Ava! Are you ok?! You look like shit! Uh sorry, oh my gosh are you ok?"

Ava let out a sob as Mika walked over to her, he bent down and hugged her tightly. Mika's eyes were wide and he patted Ava's back gently as she sobbed into his shoulder. "You're freezing Ava, let's get you inside ok?" Mika didn't wait for a response, she just lifted her up and carried her inside his warm house.

-Hello everyone! Did you like the chapter? I hope so, thank you so much for reading it! What did you think of Chance? I love you guys so much, have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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