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-Mentions of blood in this chapter. Songs for this chapter, #1, Let Me Down Slowly by Alec Benjamin, #2, House Of Wolves my My Chemical Romance, #3, BOOM by X Ambassadors. Stat #1 now-

-Four hours later, five AM-

Ava sighed and she turned her head away from the window when her phone made a noise. Ava limped over to where her phone lay on her nightstand and she saw that Mika had texted her. She smiled slightly as she read his text.

Mika: Goodmorning! How are you doing?

Ava shook her head, she knew she couldn't answer. She only had an hour until her father would wake up and go to work and she needed to get out of the house before he left. Ava bent down and pulled her backpack out from under her bed.

She opened the backpack and she saw that her dream diary was in it. She ignored it and put one of her small blankets in the backpack. Ava had calculated the distance it would be to Mika's house and it would take a day and a half on foot. 

Ava was so glad Mika had told her exactly where he lived. If he hadn't, Ava didn't know where she would go. Another ding, Ava turned back to the phone and sighed. Mika had texted again, 'I want to answer,' Ava thought as she plugged the charger into her phone. 'I really do but I don't have time.'

Mika: Lol, you alright? You usually answer immediately

Ava walked over to her closet and she took out a sweatshirt, sweatpants, a beanie, and some gloves. She took off her pajamas and then put on the clothes she had pulled out of the closet.

'This'll keep me warm,' she said as she pulled a jacket from the closet. She walked back to the backpack and she put the jacket into the bag. "I need food and then I'll leave," she whispered as she looked to her phone again.

'I don't have time to pack clothes, I need to put on shoes and grab my money before going downstairs,' she thought as she turned on her phone. Mika had texted her five more times, Ava shook her head. She really wished she could text back and let him know she was fine but she couldn't.

Mika: Are you showering or something? I wouldn't think so, not at this time in the morning

Mika: You might be sleeping... but knowing you I doubt that

Mika: Ava... I'm really starting to get worried. Are you alright?

Mika: Ava, please answer me! I need to know you're alright! I'm getting really scared now

Mika: You know what, you probably are sleeping. I'm sorry... I'll talk to you later

Ava sighed before stuffing her phone and phone charger into the backpack. 'Why would he worry?' Ava asked herself as she walked over to the closet with the backpack. Ava put on her tennis shoes as she thought about it.

'I'm not someone to worry about, right?' she asked as she walked over to the door of her room. She shook her head as she opened the door and crossed the hall to the stairs. Ava then, as quietly as she could, started limping down the stairs.

She walked into the kitchen with her backpack and frowned when she saw the blood on the floor from when she hit her head. She tried not to think back to last night, she'd thought about it enough.

-Start #2-

Ava went in the pantry and pulled out two muffins, a bag of potato chips, and peanut butter. 'This should be good,' she said while putting it in the backpack. 'Now, I should be ready- fuck! I forgot my money upstairs,' Ava rolled her eyes at her own stupidity before turning around and walking back to the stairs.

Ava walked up the stairs, back down the hall, and then into her room. She grabbed her wallet from her dresser, she's always hidden it under her underwear in case her father wanted to take it.

Ava sighed as she looked threw the wallet, two hundred dollars. She's never spent a penny of her money, mainly because she never leaves the house. It had pilled up over the years and Ava was glad that she hadn't had a chance to spend it.

'I don't have to worry about food,' she thought as she stuffed the wallet in her back pocket. Ava then looked around her room and she smiled weakly. 'I'm going to miss this room,' Ava thought as she remembered all the time she had spent up here.

Ava remembered that when her parents had fought in front of her for the first time she had run to her room and put in her headphones. She had listened to Fireflies by Owl City, any time anything bad had happened after that Ava always listened to music.

-Start #3-

Music had become her escape, and it still was her escape. Ava sighed as she remembered her tenth birthday, she had spent it in her room with her doll Jennie. Her parents never really remembered her birthday, but that was the year that Ava had decided to stop reminding them.

Ava gasped, 'how could I forget?' she thought to herself as she rushed across the room to her bed. She smiled as she grabbed the stuffie Hanna had given to her. Ava definitely didn't want to leave him all alone... even if he was only made of stuffing and cloth.

Ava gasped as she looked at the clock, 'no, no, no!' she thought as she heard the grandfather clock go off downstairs. Ava rushed out of her room with the stuffie and wallet as fast as her hurt leg could carry her.

When Ava got into the kitchen, she saw that her father was getting up. He thankfully had his back facing Ava as he stretched. 'Backdoor,' Ava thought as she ran quietly out of the kitchen and to the backdoor which only two rooms away.

"Ava!" she stopped in her tracks with one hand on the door. "Ava, I'm leaving! You better not go anywhere!" Ava's father called, Ava sighed with relief as she realized her father thought she was still asleep.

Ava quickly opened and walked out of the backdoor. She then booked it around the back of the house and across the driveway. Ava had looked at the GPS earlier and she had marked a place she knew as the place she would actually turn the GPS on.

Ava didn't think about anything but where she was going as she ran through the woods. Eventually, she arrived in a little town and she smiled. Ava grabbed a muffin and her phone out of her backpack. She ate the muffin as she figured out where to go next.

Without thinking, Ava started walking forward... mistake. Ava felt her hood being pulled backward and she heard a car honk. She looked up from her phone and saw that she had almost walked into oncoming traffic. Ava gasped as she turned around to see who had saved her, she was not happy by who she saw.

-Hello everyone! I'm leaving you on a bit of a clifhanger lol. Who do you think it is?! I'm sorry of this chapter wasn't really good... I wasn't really inspr

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