Dancing and Death

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-Warning, this chapter contains mentions of blood, abusive, and other topics like that. If you do not feel comfortable reading things like this, please skip this chapter, thank you. Songs for this chapter, #1, Must Have Been The Wind by Alec Benjamin, #2, At This Point In My Life by Tracy Chapman. Start #1 now-

Ava woke up to the sound of sirens. She shook her head because her vision was blurry and she saw Mika crying while standing over her. Ava's vision kept going in and out and she felt really nauseous. "Mika," she whispered before passing back out.

The next time Ava woke up, it was from sharp pain. Ava let out a scream as she opened her eyes and saw a bright light shining down on her. Ava looked around, her vision was blurry due to the tears forming in her eyes but she saw people standing around her.

'Masks,' she thought as she looked at the closer, 'doctors,' she finally assumed. One of the doctors then reached over and placed a mask over Ava's face. Ava shook her head and started to struggle against the mask.

As Ava breathed in, she realized that it wasn't normal air. 'Sleep,' she suddenly thought, 'They want me to sleep,' Ava started crying harder as she realized what was happening. Ava's eyes started to feel heavy, before she fell asleep she heard one of the doctors say, "It's ok, you'll be fine."

Ava jolted awake and she quickly sat up, which was a mistake. Ava winced as she gripped her side and laid back down. "Ava?!" Mika asked, Ava turned and saw Mika staring at her. He was sitting in a chair and it looked like he had been crying for a long time.

"Oh Ava," Mika said as he rushed over to her. He rested his head on Ava's shoulder and he started crying as he gently wrapped his arms around her. Ava smiled softly as she started crying, "are you ok?" she asked.

Mika chuckled and looked up at Ava, his eyes were filled with tears and his hands shook as he cupped Ava's face. "I'm fine love, just a little shook up. I was so scared, they said you might not wake up, they said you might not make it. I was so scared," Mika then buried his face into Ava's chest and he cried some more.

Ava sniffled and patted Mika's back, she looked up at the ceiling and sighed. 'I'm so glad I woke up for him,' Ava thought, 'I'm so glad I'm here for him,' "I'm ok Mika, I'm awake now. You don't have to worry, I'm going to be ok."

Mika looked back up at her and shook his head, "I couldn't stand to watch him hurt you, Ava, it hurt me to think that he might take you from me. When you screamed, I broke inside. I couldn't endure seeing you in so much pain."

Ava gave Mika a soft smile as tears ran down her cheeks. "It's ok, I'm used to-" "No!" Mika suddenly shouted, he stood up and ran his hand through his hair. Mika let out a sob before he whispered, "no."

Mika turned back to Ava, "It's not ok that you're used to it. It's not ok Ava," Mika walked back over to Ava and took her hand. "I'm so sorry Ava," Mika's voice cracked and he shook his head. "It's ok," Ava whispered.

Mika let out another sob, "I couldn't stand it when he hurt you, I couldn't stand to see that," "Mika-" "I killed him Ava!" Mika yelled as he squeezed Ava's hand. Mika was visibly shaking as he sobbed, "I killed him Ava, I killed him," Mika whispered as he crumpled down to the floor and rested his head against the bed.

Ava sighed, she wasn't upset, not even sad. But he was still her father and it still was a shock. "It was an accident... but I killed him," "It's ok Mika, I... I understand. It's ok, he never loved me and I never really loved him anyway. But, you're worrying me Mika, come up here."

Mika looked up at Ava who motioned for him to stand up. Mika stood up and Ava pulled him into the hospital bed next to her. Mika laid down and sniffled, "I should be the one comforting you Ava, I'm sorry," Ava shook her head as she ran her hand through Mika's hand.

"It's ok, I don't need comforting right now love. But you do, and it'll make me feel better to make you feel better." Mika let out a sob as he hugged Ava gently, "you have no idea how grateful I am for you Ava, you have no idea how much I love you."

Ava smiled, "I love you too babe," she said before looking up to see a nurse walk in the room. "Hello, I'm here to tell you that you will be discharged this evening as long as everything checks out."

Ava smiled and nodded, "thank you so much, ma'am," the woman nodded and smiled. "It's good to see you woke up miss, we were all worried. The young man wouldn't stop talking to himself about how he loved you and couldn't lose you, he talked to you too. You two are so cute together, and I can tell that you love each other very much."

Ava smiled, "thank you, ma'am," the woman nodded and walked out of the room. Ava looked down at Mika and laughed as she saw that he was blushing furiously. "I'm sure you want to sleep when we get home but-" "anything you want to do baby, we can do. I promise you that I'm not tired, and I'd like to do something with you to get my mind off of it all."

Mika smiled and nodded, "I just wanted to hang out with you, I'll make some dinner and we can listen to music. Maybe we can even dance together if you-" Ava pulled Mika up close to her, they were so close that their lips were almost touching.

"I love you," Ava whispered before she kissed Mika softly. Mika smiled into the kiss and he wrapped his arms around her neck. Mika pulled, "I'm so glad you're awake love," he whispered before reattaching his lips to Ava's.

-Five Hours Later-

Ava sighed as Mika pushed her wheelchair through the front door. "I hate this, this is bullshit," Ava said as she rolled her eyes. Mika chuckled and started to help her up out of the wheelchair. "I can walk Mika," Ava said as she stood up out of the wheelchair.

Ava winced and grabbed at her bandaged stomach. Mika wrapped his arm around Ava's body before lifting her up and carrying her bridal style into the kitchen. "Just take it easy," Mika said as he set her down.

Ava smiled and nodded as she started herself up. "Now, what were you saying earlier about dinner and dancing?" Ava asked. Mika smiled and pulled his phone out of his back pocket and put on a song.

-Start #2-

Mika then turned back to Ava and he held his hands out, Ava smiled and rushed over to him. Ava wrapped her arms around Mika's waist. Mika smiled as he wrapped his arms around Ava's neck and he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I love you so much Mika," Ava said as they slowly swayed through the kitchen, Mika smiled and chuckled. "I love you too baby, more than you know," Ava smiled and looked up at Mika, "kiss me...?" Ava asked.

Mika smiled and cupped Ava's face in one of his hands while keeping the other one on Ava's neck. "I thought you'd never ask," Mika then crashed his lips onto Ava's, Ava smirked and tightened her grip on Mika's waist.

Ava pushed Mika up against a wall and Mika smiled into the kiss. "Ava," Mika whispered before biting Ava's lip. Ava moaned softly and she ran her hands up and down Mika's back. Ava broke the kiss and started leaving little kisses on Mika's neck.

"Ava," Mika groaned as he leaned his head back. Ava bit down harshly on Mika's neck which made Mika moan. Ava chuckled but looked up as she heard the sound of Star's footsteps running towards them.

Ava saw Star jump and suddenly, both Mika and Ava were laying on the floor and Star was liking Mika's face. Mika laughed as he pushed Star off, "Star!" Mika said as he sat up, "you ruined the moment!"

Ava smiled, "yeah Star, come on buddy. Who knew Star was such a good cock block," Ava elbowed Mika and they both laughed. "Well, I guess we should move on to dinner?" Mika asked, Ava stood up and nodded, "sounds good baby," Ava then helped Mika up and they both walked over to the fridge.

-Hello everyone! How did you like the chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! Please tell me what you thought in the comments! Thank you for reading, I love you all soooo much! Have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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