"Don't be silly Jasper," I say. "Edward doesn't deserve to be killed. He deserves to live with the fact that he hurt me." Jasper pulls me away from him but his arms are still wrapped around my waist.

"Isabella you're so strong," Jasper whispers.

"I have to be Jasper," I say. "For Charlie, for my mother, for Jacob and for everyone who cares about me."

"What about for yourself?" He asks.

"Well me too but mainly them. If I can survive this I can survive anything Jasper. I have to be strong and brave," I smile. 

"I am so proud of you Isabella," he says leaning down to kiss my cheek. Electricity pulses through me and I find my self sinking into Jaspers chest. I never knew that one hug could mean so much.


I throw the doors open to the house and it is silent. No Jasper and no Bella. I was absolutely heartbroken because my Bella had found out about me and Tanya. My heart was in a million and one pieces and I couldn't believe she had left me. I should've listened to Carlisle.


I sit with my head in my hand in Carlisle's office. "Edward what's wrong?" He asks me his eyes wide with fear.

"You all lied to me," I muttered. My breaths were sharp and quick. Anger flourished through me.

"What do you mean?" He asked softly.

"Everyone of you told me I would be happy when I found my mate," I whispered. Carlisle's thoughts clouded with confusion at that moment.

"You found your mate? Congratulations Edward, you and Bella-" he had made the wrong assumption.

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