Part 20

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(A/N- When can Shawn colab with Niall? Or Ed? It needs to happen. 😂 Comment if you agree.)

Nothing goes to plan

"So what happened girl?" Mila said excitedly, sitting on my bed.

Me and Shawn were now home. We came back yesterday. He is having a family day today and I believe they are going out for dinner. As my family isn't here right now, I thought I would catch up with Mila.

"Well?" She said pulling me out of my reminiscing memories.

"Ummmm......Well...... we got to the hotel and went out to the balcony. We admired the lovely view but then one thing led to another and yeah......." I said looking down, blushing.

"YOU DIDNT?! PARKER ROSE EVANS!!" She said with a large smile planted on her face.

"What? I'm 17. It's perfectly fine." I said, still looking down.

"I'm like the only one in school now who is a virgin. No fair."

"Jake?" I questioned.

The smile immediately fell from her face.

"Mila?" I said quietly.

"I don't want to talk about it." She said abruptly, looking at the floor like I did a couple of seconds ago.

"I'm here for you. I can help you. You can tell me anything Mi. You trust me, right?"

"I trust you but......." She said. She took a deep breath out and continued. "We broke up last week. You were so happy with Shawn and what you have been through, I didn't want to ruin your happiness with my problems. You deserve to be happy. You, out of everybody in the world, do." She took another deep breath. "He moved."

"Why didn't you tell me?" I snapped back.

"Like I said, I didn't want to ever see you unhappy again." Another tear fell from her face.

"But why didn't he tell me?"

"Because He was the same as me. He didn't want to see you upset."

"So when would of I found out? Or would you of just left me wandering why one of my friends haven't been around?"

I was fuming. No 'byes'. No 'I'm sorry to tell you this as you're really happy'. I decided I needed to calm down.

"Where to?" I questioned.

"Spain." She replied. A tear fell from her eye. "And He said he didn't want a long distance relationship so he broke up with me."

"I'm sorry for overreacting and I'm sorry about the news." I said taking a seat on the bed next to her and rubbing her back.

"It okay thought. You have Shawn. You don't really need me anyway."

"No. No. Mila. That is definitely not true. Without you, I would be lost. You have always been beside me. Remember when I had the argument with Shawn, I came straight to you. Without you, I wouldn't have anybody to ramble on with, without them getting annoyed. Shawn would completely ignore me for the whole day if I rambled like I do to you. You are my best friend and nobody will ever be able to take that away from me."

"Thanks Park. You really are my only friend." She said giggling/crying.

"Now that's the smile I want to see." I said poking her cheek.

"How are you so happy?" She asked out of the blue.

"How could I not? I have an amazingly beautiful best friend. I cute boyfriend. I lovely brother and a caring sister by my side. Not to forget little Aaron. He is so cute. You need to meet him. Anyway, I'm getting side-tract. I know that mom is permanently gone and so is dad for a little while but you guys are my true family. Ever since mom left, you have been my family." I said pulling her into a hug. "And I mean that." I whispered.

I can't believe that Jake left. Him and Mila were ment to be. Now he is in Spain, we will probably never see each other again. They really had something special. I've been through a lot but I know Mila has had problems with Jake for about a month now but she kept it all in. To be honest, I'm scared for her. She is only making it worse by hiding it. Truly, I'm scared.

*1 year later*

Things haven't changed. I'm still with Shawn. We are both 18 now. He has become so successful. He has 2 albums now. I'm so proud. Mila has been talking to Harris for a little while now. Friends or lovers, they make each other happy and that's what Mila deserves.

Dad finished rehab. He said he is sorry for everything but he doesn't want to pressure me so he is living in an apartment in the city. Close though. He comes and visits us at home. Amy and Aaron moved into the home with us. If it was just me and Quinn, we would be a bit lonely so we asked if they wanted to stay with us permanently.

I'm in the public eye now. As Shawn has said about us to his fans, we are photographed together all the time. I don't mind though. Shawn doesn't either. It's okay. There is so many nice comments. Some bad but the positive out way the negative, right?

"You're fans are so cute." I said as I sat in his lap on my bed.

"They sure are but not as cute as you." He said kissing my cheek.

The kiss slowly reached my lips. He lent me back not leaving my lips. I flipped over so I could straddle him. Our mouths moved in complete sync.

"Is anyone home?" He smirked, braking the Kiss for a second.

"Nope." I gave a Short answer as I was so consumed by him.

I pulled my top off and so did he. My hand roamed his hair whilst the other roamed his abs. His hands however were on my hip and face. He traced his hand down in between my breasts and followed my bra strap to my back. He in did it and it fell slightly off. I pulled it off and traced my hands down to his abs then to his pants. I fiddled with his belt, attempting to take it off. I climbed off him. He gladly took it off, along with his pants. I returned the favour. Now we were both in our underwear.

He immediately pushed me back onto the bed, making me giggle.

"You're giggle is so cute." He said joining me on the bed. I once again straddled him, kissing down his neck, giving him a few hickeys. As I pulled away, his lips attached to my neck, returning the favour.

"What if my sister sees them?" I said.

"What if my parents sees them? We're fine." He replied.

The bed sheets were creased. Both of us laid there butt-ass naked. Me, being cuddled into his chest as his strong arms were engulfing me.



"Don't ever leave my side?"

"I won't."

A/N - It was a bit of a weird chapter with a big jump in the middle. I just wanted to get the story moving as I want to start writing the sequel. Be ready.

Thanks for reading as always. Feel free to vote, comment and follow me. That would be much appreciated.

Gracias. Te Amo Amigos.


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