Part 7

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A/N - From now on I'm going to put a picture of Shawn at the top just to make everyone's day. It definitely makes my day 😊
A little to much

*6 months later* (on a Saturday morning so no school)

I sat in my room playing the piano when my dad shouted my name from the living room.




I could hear the panic in his voice. It scared me.

"Yes Father."

Tears slowly streamed down his face. I saw my mother in so much pain.

"AMBULANCE!" He shouted.

This was it. This was about my mother and her cancer. I grabbed my phone out of me back pocket and dialled 911. My hands were shaking like crazy. Hold it in Parker.

"Hello 911. What's your emergen...."

"My mom. She is in so much pain. She has cancer."

"Your address sweetie?"

"31 River Lane. K1A 0B1"

"We will get there as soon as possible."

"Thank you." And with that, I put my phone done and rush over to my mom and dad.

"It will be alright." I reassure both of them. I have to be the bigger person and act like an adult. Conceal don't feel Parker. Just breathe. It will be alright, right?

The ambulance finally arrived. As much as I wanted to go with dad to the hospital, I had to look after Quinn.

"Please keep me updated dad." I said as he kissed my forehead before he entered the ambulance.

"I will, now I have to go."

"Love you both."

"We love you too."

And with that, they were gone. I rushed inside.

"Are you Okay Parkey?" Quinn stood on the staircase.

"I'm okay. Why are you up?"

"I'm not tired. Where is mommy and daddy?"

"They are out. They won't be back till tomorrow though so just me and you, Okay?"

"Yay! Quinn and Parkey time!" He shouted at the top of his lungs.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Knock knock

"Who could be at the door?" Quinn questioned.

I walked over to the door and looked through the pidgin hole. It was Shawn.

I opened the door.

"Shawn. Now is not the time." I said annoyed before closing the door. Like last time, he stopped me.

"Parker. We need to talk. Wait. You've been crying, haven't you? Why?"

More tears flooded from my eyes.

"I can't Shawn." I said letting go of the door and crouching to the floor.

"Come here." He said picking me up and hugging me.

"I just can't Shawn. I can't handle it anymore." I said crying into his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" He questioned. To my sadness, Shawn pulled out of the hug. He took my hand and walked over to the couch whilst shutting the front door.

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