Part 13

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The Goodbyes and the Partying

(26th July)

Shawn leaves today. I don't know what I will do without him. It's gonna be hard. We can make it through this though. I will be waiting for him right here and I won't move. Not literally obviously. We will call and text most of the time, hopefully. I just want him to enjoy himself but it's gonna be hard when, he is out there having fun and I'm back here being a moody bitch because my boyfriend has left for 6 weeks.

Beep beep beep

"Oh no." I whispered to myself quietly.

I knew exactly what day and what time it was. It was 5:00 in the morning meaning I had to be at Shawn's in an hour.

I slowly got up and made my way to my bathroom. I creamed my face, not putting any makeup on. It would come off anyways from all the crying so I may as well not waste the time. I threw some clothes on and put my hair in a ponytail. Done!

Gosh! It's 5:50 already

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Gosh! It's 5:50 already. How did I take so long?

I rushed downstairs and wrote on a piece of paper:

Gone to see Shawn off. Be back in about 2 hours.

Love Parker x

Just so my family don't freak out on where I am.

I grabbed my car keys and phone and headed outside. I got into my car but I just stopped. I sat there with my hands on the steering wheel but I didn't start to drive.

I can't believe it. Shawn is gonna become famous. I'm gonna be left alone here by myself. I know I have Mila and Jake but it's different. Shawn won't be there to give me hugs when I'm down or kisses when I'm sad. Not for 6 weeks anyways. And who's to say that Shawn won't meet a beautiful girl. He will meet so many girls and who's to say he will move on. He will forget me. He may meet a random girl or he could meet a famous and successful girl. Who knows? I'm thinking to much.

I stared down at the ring that was on my finger.

He's promised though, right? That we will be together not matter what.

I started the engine and made my way to Shawn's.

Tenerife Sea by Ed Sheeran came on.

"I love this song. This will be my wedding song." I said to myself. I talk to myself all the time whether it's out loud or in my head.

"So in love. So in love." I sang. I hope me and Shawn are 'so in love' that he won't forget me.

I pulled up onto his drive way and made my way to his front door.

I stopped. Just knock Parker. What are you afraid of?

Knock knock Knock

"Hi Parker." It was Aayliah.

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