* 32 - Fatal Destiny

Start from the beginning

"You...! I'm gonna tear you into a million pieces!" Scarlett spat, dark magic once again coming to her fingertips and she charged at the redhead— knowing that the injury she had inflicted on her would give her the upper hand.

Both girls were caught in a hand-to-hand fight of powers— one wielding light, and the other with darkness— neither of them was willing to give in or accept defeat. But unfortunately, it was Scarlett to gain the advantage, sending a kick to Mia's shin and watching her fall down on her back. The girl's expression was void of any emotion, forming a knife made from her powers and stabbing it into the girl's ankle.

Once the redhead cried out again, she shook her head and kicked the shadow-possessed girl and slid away from her enemy. She was completely vulnerable to Scarlett now, both her side and ankle suffered injuries— If she endured anything more, she would most likely be unable to fight back.

"Mia, it's time you admit your defeat." The dark-haired girl chuckled darkly, easily shooting a beam of dark power at the weakened Ninja, hitting her in the other leg.

But the redhead wasn't so quick to accept defeat, "N-Never...!"

"What a pity," Scarlett hummed, but her face held a wicked smirk on it and she held out both her hands, dark magic coming to her palms and creating a sphere that grew larger by the second, "I didn't think I'd have to get my hands dirty so soon— No matter, time to meet your end, Ninja!"

Finally releasing the immense power in her hands, she let it head straight at the fallen redhead and devour her whole— The others, who had remained on the sidelines until now, gasped in shock and it was Lloyd who immediately ran to the spot she was last seen.

"M-Mia...! Mia!" He called out, turning to Scarlett with an angered look in his eyes, "What did you do to her? Tell me where she is!"

"Heh, she's drowning in a sea of eternal death."

* * *

The broken Ninja fell through the endless dark sea with a pained look in her hazel irises— she felt so weak, letting herself get defeated so easily by the one person she wished she didn't have to fight. Sinking lower, all she could do was be swallowed in her own dreadful thoughts as she knew she was headed straight for death.

Why am I acting like this...? I can't just give up now!

But... Scarlett, she way too powerful for me to defeat. It's probably better to just accept death like this.

Nope! Lloyd is not out there waiting for you to accept defeat! That is not your friend out there... she is your enemy and you have to fight!

Fight, Mia! Fight her and win!

Widening her eyes, the Purple Ninja was met with inky blackness around her— And moments after, her eyes gave off a golden glow to them and both hands lit up with substantial light. Her body was encased in her power and vanquished the darkness that surrounded her.

The Ninja and Scarlett were all left stunned to the spot.

"How...? How is she still alive?!" The dark-haired girl yelled, furious with the turn of events— watching the Ninja smile as the redhead emerged before them.

Mia felt her body become encased in light— Healing all wounds from the previous fight and changing her entirely. Her torn Gi was replaced, purple with the left sleeve missing and holding glowing armor on her right shoulder, her left elbow, and on both her knees. A lighter purple sash was tied around her waist, holding three sets of daggers on each side, and combat, Ninja boots— Her hood-mask covered her whole face with a glowing crown on the top. Accents scattered the front of the Gi, her elemental symbol of a Phoenix on the back.

Two streaks formed in the front of her hair— One green, and the other gold— And she finally opened her eyes, now having a golden color to them instead.

"Whoa..." All the Ninja were in complete shock.

But Scarlett wasn't having any of it and she rushed at the Purple Ninja, eyes burning with hatred in them. However, the redhead saw her coming and blocked her attack with a shield made of pure light. With astounding strength, she managed to push the darkened girl back and hear the click of her boots on the wooden floors.

"Scarlett... It's time for you to rest." She muttered, a light residing in her palm and she stretched it towards her former friend, "Your rein over Ninjago ends here."

"No, it won't end like this!" Scarlett roared in anger, rushing at Mia with dark magic igniting in her palms, growing by the second and sending it straight at her enemy. Unfortunately, the redhead was lucky this time and dodged it in time.

Mia rose both hands above her head, the ceiling giving off a faint glow of light and raining down on both her and the dark-hearted Ninja, who screamed in pain and crumpled to the floor and the Purple Ninja knew this was her chance at ending this.

She rushed at the girl but Scarlett wasn't finished yet, letting her legs fly out in front of her and kick the redhead back with all her strength. Mia slid back a few feet, the bottoms of her shoes rubbing against the floor and she felt the sweat dripping down her face from under her mask. She felt like giving up but she knew that wasn't an option at this point.

Keep fighting, Mia! Everyone is counting on you to save Ninjago!!

That's right... Only she could win this fight and bring peace back to Ninjago once and for all. Noticing Scarlett rushing back at her with her dark magic in both hands, the redhead did the unthinkable and punched the girl in the stomach with a fistful of her light.

Not hesitating, she pinned Scarlett down and watched the girl struggle underneath her. With a sigh, she drew out one of her daggers and positioned it above her heart, but her hand was slightly shaking.

This made Scarlett laugh, "Heh, I knew you couldn't do it! You know you'll never see you friend again once you kill me."

"I'm... I'm so sorry." Mia whispered in her ear, closing her eyes and bringing the blade down and letting it sink into the dark-haired girl's chest. The screams she heard made Mia want to embrace her and tell her it was all okay, that she'd be fine.

But that's not how it's gonna work out.

Tears stung at the redhead's eyes, seeing Scarlett's eyes flashing between purple and brown— making Mia hold her head up and see the same face that she once knew. The real Scarlett stood in front of her, tears in her own eyes and she wrapped her arms around her once best friend.

"Thank you..." She whispered back.

The others sat around her, Kai stepping over to her and holding her hand in his. The redhead cried once more, Lloyd quickly engulfing her in a comforting embrace and sitting down with her in his arms, hoping to at least calm her down— The Fire Ninja kissed the tips of Scarlett's fingers, trying to hold back his tears.

"S-Scarlett... That's really you, right?" He asked but was answered when she held up a hand and cupped his cheek.

She nodded, "Kai, this isn't the ending we had hoped for. But... I'm glad for the time we spent together... No, the time I spent with all of you," she turned her head and looked over at the others, "I'm gonna miss you all. Please, remember me in your hearts. That's all I ask."

And with her last remaining strength, she leaned up and kissed Kai on the lips— Until her eyes closed with tears and her hand dropped to the ground.

The Scarlet Ninja had fallen and they could never get her back.

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