* 18 - Betrayed Trust

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Written by: miamidnightt

Sitting alone in her darkened bedroom, the redhead held her eyes on the window and the stars that glittered across the inky blackness. Somehow, she thought of it as herself, with her having to defeat the shadows. No matter how hard she tried though, she just didn't seem like enough to get rid of them.

"Scarlett... I'm sorry," She whispered, tugging the blankets closer to herself and desperately fighting off the urge to go to sleep. "I should be going to save you and yet, I'm not even doing that."

Suddenly, she heard the door creak open and she flinched, her body tensing up while she whipped her head around to look behind her. But when her eyes locked with golden-green ones, she felt herself relax and she turned back to the window. Earlier, the boys had told her about how they weren't able to hear her or the shadows, but she wasn't sure if she believed it. The only thing on her mind was saving Scarlett.

"Hey," Lloyd approached her and sat on the edge of her bed, "What are you doing up so late at night? It's almost midnight, you know..."

Mia shook her head, immediately hiding her face in the blankets, "I'm not planning on sleeping tonight."

"Why...?" The blond rose an eyebrow at her, confused.

"It's... Not really important now," She replied, letting a sigh escape her lips and her droopy eyes fell to the palm of her hands, cradled in her lap underneath the blanket, "And why should I bother telling you? I'm still mad about what happened before."

Lloyd laughed in amusement at her, flicking her on the forehead, "Hey, now what did I tell you earlier? It wasn't on purpose."

"That's what you keep telling me—And yet, it still doesn't make any sense." She muttered, her voice sounding distant, like her mind had gone somewhere else. Actually, it had. "I can't believe myself! I wasn't able to stop them from kidnapping her! I'm... pathetic."

"Don't say that," The blond scolded her and immediately, he grabbed hold of her and dragged her into his arms. He kissed the top of her head, feeling how shaky she was and rubbed circles on her back, "Hey, it's alright... Just forget about everything that's bothering you and look at me."

Mia drew in a breath and nodded, her hazel irises glancing up at him and the Green Ninja smiled down at her, rubbing the top of her head and hearing the words escape her lips, "I'm sorry I was mad at you... I'm just worried about her. But know that I don't blame you for what happened."

"Shh, I know..." He hushed her, letting her rest her head on his shoulder, the blankets still wrapped around her small figure, "You're tired. Please, just get some sleep, okay? I promise I'll stay right here."

"That... actually doesn't sound like a bad idea," The redhead hummed, relaxing in his arms and closing her eyes, falling asleep on the spot as soon as she did.

Lloyd stroked her hair, gently laying her down on the bed and pulling the covers over her body, "See? I told you that you were exhausted." He slipped under the covers after her, watching as her chest rose and fell while she was asleep. He moved a strand of red from her face.

Finally, the blond fell asleep shortly after her, keeping her close to him.

* * *

It was still early dawn when Mia woke up, but that didn't stop her from carefully crawling out of her bed. She didn't want to wake up the sleeping Green Ninja by accident, as he looked tired and completely out of it.

Her only thought was saving Scarlett, she was tired of waiting around for the others to go and save her.

Disregarding her nightwear and replacing it with her Ninja garments, she let out a sigh and placed both her daggers at her sides. She took one last glance at the sleeping blond, closing her eyes, before she flipped on her Ninja hood-mask and opened the window, jumping out and her feet made contact with the dirt-covered ground of the thick forest.

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