* 25 - Situations Changing

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Written by: dxganronpa

"You're gone. Long gone, Scarlett. Your friends tried, but they failed. And now, you're where you truly belong."

Scarlett shook her head, unable to tell who the voice in her head was. But when she looked down at herself, changed in a completely different attire, she felt confusion take over.

And then it all hit her.

The last thing she remembered was leaving Kai, but not as herself. At this point in time, she couldn't tell who she was anymore.

A mirror stood in front of her, where she saw herself. A white button-up with a black skirt, and she donned black heeled boots. Not something I'd wear casually, but I dig it.

Her eyes were purple, which kind of shocked her a bit. What she found more confusing was that she knew exactly where she was and why—but found no will to escape.

Instead, curiosity peaked within her. Scarlett turned around, seeing the door, and walked out, the clacking of her heels on the ground soothing her a bit.

"Scarlett," a smooth voice called out to her.

The dark-haired teen was hesitant to turn at first. That voice, she recognized it. It was the one that was constantly in her head, the one she could never put a finger on. But hearing it right behind her, she was a little afraid to see who it was.

But once she did, she found that she was faced with a tall woman, the Shadow Queen herself. The resemblance she had to Scarlett was unmistakable, and when she smiled, it was like looking in a mirror.

Scarlett froze, her eyes widening. "You... there's no way..."

The queen held out her arms, smiling warmly. "Welcome home, my daughter."

Although hesitant, Scarlett slowly walked into her arms, letting out a shaky breath. "You were dead... and you look different... is it really...?"

"It's been a long time, dear... things have changed me for the better. And now, the same has happened to you." The queen rubbed the teen's back, feeling relief wash over her—after so many years, she could finally be with her daughter.

"I- I don't understand..." Scarlett shook her head, although she didn't dare let go of her mother. "How did this all happen...? The prophecy said that..."

"You poor thing. Brainwashed by those fools." The queen pulled away from the embrace, now taking a hold of her hands. "Whatever prophecy they have laid out for you... it was all a lie. This is where you truly belong, ruling Ninjago by my side."

It doesn't sound right, Scarlett told herself. My friends, they all... this was a situation I wasn't expecting.

But she felt her mind drifting. Away from the Ninja and closer to where she was standing right now. It was a familiar feeling, like home.

She had no idea what the hell had gotten into her.

"Come with me," the queen told her, holding out her hand. "Let me show you the real truth. Your destiny."

Scarlett's mind was going back and forth. One side was telling her to stop and run away, to go back to her friends back at the Bounty. They were who she really needed... Mia, her best friend, and Kai... god, she already missed that guy. He must be worried sick.

But the other side was itching to accept her mother's invitation. The one person who she's missed for so long, the one she and her brother thought were dead... wouldn't Red be surprised? If only he were there right now.

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