* 23 - Traveling Outside

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Written by: dxganronpa

Scarlett put her hands in her pockets, walking side-by-side with the fire ninja. Her main concern was her brother, and she continued to wonder where he had gone and if Ellie could stay, why he couldn't either.

But Kai was thinking of different things. He smiled a bit, running a hand through his hair. "So, when are you gonna put that gi back on? You know, since you're with us and all."

She shook her head, returning back to reality. "Well, we're out here trying to avoid the shadows... should I really be wearing it right now?"

"Hah... right."

"But maybe I'll wear it again when we're all out of sight, out of mind. On our next fight." She looked up at him, smiling. "So don't fret. You haven't lost me."

Kai chuckled, nodding. "Good. You know, I couldn't bear to lose my girlfriend—"

"I'm not your girlfriend. Remember that."

"Well, who says we can't change that?" Kai stopped walking, wrapping his arm around her. "Come on, I really like you—and I know you like me too."

"Oh yeah? And what makes you say that?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow.

"For one, you haven't told me to let go of you—something Mia would've done the second I took the opportunity," Kai answered.

"But would you really have done it to Mia?"

"As a friendly gesture, yes."

"So this is your idea of a friendly gesture—"

"Scarlett, babe, you're making this more complicated than it should be. Lloyd and Mia hooked up after like, a week." At this point, he was begging, and it entertained her to no end.

"So you're saying we should hook up? Is that all you want from me? What a way with words." She laughed, now walking ahead of him.

"H- Hey, that's not what I meant!"

Scarlett then noticed a figure ahead of her, someone she knew. She smiled as he held his hand out, the two doing a little handshake.

"Leo, baby. Been a bit since I've bested you."

"How's it hanging?" he asked her, chuckling.

"Just great. You?"

"Couldn't be better. Is that, uh, your boyfriend?" Leo asked, pointing to the fire ninja behind her.

Scarlett turned around, giggled a bit, then leaned up to whisper in her friend's ear, "He wishes."

Leo laughed a bit at that, taking off his cap and ruffling his blond hair a bit. "Well, I should go. Catch you later?"

"If I don't die," she joked, smiling up at him.

Leo once again laughed before heading off, looking to Kai with a small smile—who in return, lifted his head in those guy-like gestures.

Once he was gone from sight, Kai walked back up to Scarlett and began tapping her shoulder repeatedly, many questions on his mind. "You know I'm gonna interrogate you, now."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Baby? Really?"

"What? It's just a friendly gesture that I like to use." Scarlett put her hands up in mock defense, but the grin she had wouldn't leave.

"When'd you meet him?"

"During those few days I was away from you guys. Nice guy, really. Cute too. Good at games, but of course I beat him."

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