* 17 - Dangerous Escape

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Written by: dxganronpa

Scarlett slowly opened her eyes, feeling pain all over her body when she tried to sit up—so she didn't move again.

It took her a few seconds to realize where she was, and when she did, she almost screamed.

The memories of what happened not too long ago all rushed back into her head and her eyes widened. "No, no, no, no, no... this can't be happening!"

"Oh, you're awake, Dragonfire?"

The voice sounded like it was hissing in her ear, and she jumped in fear a shadow was right next to her. Fortunately, it was only outside the cage.

A cage. I'm actually in a cage.

"Are you afraid yet?" the shadow asked, his voice menacing enough to send shivers down her spine.

"I'm absolutely terrified." If there's no use hiding it, I might as well admit it.

"If only we could feed off your fear—we'd have absolutely everything we desire."

"Sucks. I won't be here for long." Scarlett crossed her arms, turning to face the rock wall. "They saved Mia, I'm sure they'll find a way to get me back too."

"Hmm... why are you so sure of that?" The shadow wasn't much farther, as his voice was very close. "You do understand you're the weakest member? You haven't even unlocked your powers yet."

"So why did you take me?" she snapped, finally turning her body back around and facing the shadow that stood in front of her. Her body hurt, but that wasn't her biggest concern. "If my powers are nonexistent, then why bother coming after me?"

"Because... we can unlock them for you," the shadow answered.

"Unlock them... for me?" Scarlett repeated those words in her head, but she quickly shook it. "You're a liar—you all are! I know my friends can help me... no matter how long it takes... to..." Her voice slowly trailed off, and she was at a loss for words.

"Was that hesitation?" He knew her thoughts of weakness were returning to her mind, and he smirked. "You're feeling weak. You feel as if you're an unnecessary comrade."

Scarlett took in a sharp breath, clenching her fists to refrain from saying anything. The shadow noticed this and continued to speak.

"Those ninja aren't going to do anything. They're glad you're gone. They don't have to worry about training you anymore—you're a lost cause."

"Shut up!" She felt tears well up in her eyes, and she was glad the room wasn't bright at all. "You're not making any sense! You're saying I'm a lost cause, an unnecessary comrade to them, but here I am! You hunted me."

"It's exactly like you said—to them, you're a lost cause. But not to us." Now the shadow was definitely in the cage, moving around her in a circle and speaking to her. "We can help you unlock your powers much quicker than they ever can. You can be an asset—never again useless."

Scarlett said nothing as the shadow spoke, and a few seconds after. But she didn't want to give in so easily to them. "And then what? I'm your pawn to take over Ninjago or something? No thanks."

"Never again will you have to deal with your own friends speaking negatively of you behind your back, saying things that I'm sure you wouldn't want to hear."

Now this was news. She looked up, tensing a bit. "What?"

"Did you think I was lying when I said they were glad you were gone?" the shadow questioned, slipping around to behind her. He grabbed a strand of her hair and lifted it slightly, shaking his head. "They were never worried about you being kidnapped, because they figured you weren't unlocking your powers anyway."

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