* 2 - First Attempt

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Written by: miamidnightt

Not once turning back to look if the Ninja were following them, Mia ran as fast as she could with Scarlett behind her. She heard their shouts to the two of them, but she simply ignored them and kept her feet moving forward. It wasn't until the Ninja were out of sight, that Scarlett yanked Mia's arm back, stopping her from going any further.

The redhead turned to the other teen, demented, until she looked at her worried expression, "Hey, what's wrong? Are you worried that those Ninja are gonna find us?"

"No, it's not that." The dark-haired girl shook her head, pacing back-and-forth. "I just realized that I ran out here to help you, completely ignoring the fact that I was in the middle of a job. Now it's getting late and my boss isn't going to be happy with me. I mean, I had asked if I could work overtime so that I could get a little extra money, and I completely screwed it up!"

Mia grabbed her by the shoulders, "Hey, hey... It's gonna be fine. I'm sure he'll understand if you explain things to him."

"I doubt that," Scarlett sighed, rubbing her temples. "Sorry, but I have to take care of this problem on my own. Uh, it was nice meeting you, even if it was to save you from the Ninja. Just don't run into them again."

"Oh, I don't think they'll be able to catch me." Mia chuckled under her breath, waving as Scarlett left out of sight. Not waiting another second, the teen girl ran down the streets and headed back to her apartment building, she was lucky to have been able to get it when she thirteen, "Guess I'm back home."

Taking the elevator up to the third floor, she walked into her room, punching in the numbers for the password lock on her door. When she heard the click, the door opened and she slid inside, shutting the door before she walked into the bathroom, stripping down and jumping into the shower. The heated water felt nice against her tense muscles and made her relax, and she stepped out of the shower after turning the water off.

Dressing lightly, she wore her black leggings and silver t-shirt with the words 'messy hair' on the front. She undid the ponytail from her hair and brushed her teeth, before going off to sleep in her room. She knew that she wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight.

* * *

Waking up to the light entering her room and the alarm clock ringing in her ears, Mia groaned, hiding her face in her pillow before sluggishly getting up from the bed. Slamming the alarm off and walking into the kitchen to make breakfast, sleepily rubbing her eyes.

"Oh, right," Mia muttered under her breath, opening the fridge. "I'm supposed to work..." Taking out her phone, she glanced at the time on the screen, "...What? In twenty minutes...!?"

Instead of cooking breakfast like she had intended to, she shut the fridge and plopped a granola bar in her mouth, quickly running back into her room and dressing into her green hoodie and skinny jeans. She got on her green sneakers as she rushed out the door, grabbing her bag off the counter.

But as she shut the door behind her, she heard a familiar voice a few doors down, "Mia...? I didn't know we lived in the same apartment building."

"Wait, Scarlett?" Mia turned her head behind her, spotting the same girl from yesterday, who walked over to her. "Wow, I didn't expect to see you here. Have we been living in the same apartment building all this time without knowing?"

Scarlett put a finger to her chin, "Possibly. We might have ran into each other a couple times but never bothered to say anything." She crossed her arms behind her head and smiled, "So, where are you headed off to?"

"Work." Mia replied, holding the strap of her bag around her shoulder. "I work as a journalist in the mornings. But what about you? Last night you said you had a problem with work?"

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