* 9 - Starting Training

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Written by: dxganronpa

Mia didn't know how to react with the kiss and her eyes were wide open. However, she was quickly accustomed and she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing back.

Lloyd felt overwhelmed with his actions but he didn't plan on stopping. Sure, it was getting in the way of her training, but he was enjoying himself.

However, he felt a rush of emotions take over him as he kissed the girl under him. With that rush, a ball of energy flew up from his body and hit the ceiling, the room lighting up twice as much.

Both teens jumped, breaking the kiss as they had both, Mia just a bit, felt the ball of energy leave his body.

Even so, she still asked the question. "What was that?"

Lloyd felt his face heat up in embarrassment. "I- I'm pretty sure that was me."

"Well... are you okay?" Mia couldn't help but giggle. "That big thing just flew out of you."

"That big thing was my element." Lloyd sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Rush of emotions, I guess?"

"We'll call it that." Mia felt a small smirk cross her face as she stood up, putting the daggers in her belt. She extended her hand for Lloyd to take, which he did. "I'm sure we can continue this later."

"Oh yeah?" Lloyd was a bit surprised at her words, but he didn't dare argue against it.

"I'm not saying it twice." Mia picked up her daggers, slipping them in her belt, and strut past him, her finger making a small trail on his shoulder as she passed.

Lloyd turned his head, watching her take her leave before following her. "Oh, this is gonna be fun..."

Once returning on deck, the two ninja were greeted by the others. Mia pulled out her daggers, grinning to Lloyd.

"Oh, you'll use the daggers?" Jay asked, his eyes a bit wide.

"Is that a problem?" Mia was quick to react, although her tone was calm.

The blue ninja shook his head. "No, I just think it's cool, that's all."

"None of us are using weapons that are both close-up and ranged at the same time," Lloyd told her. "Kai has a sword, Jay has nunchucks, Zane uses shurikens, Cole uses a scythe, and I use a katana." He turned to his left, "And I even see that Scarlett picked out a spear, w—and she's holding it the wrong way."

"Wha—again?" Scarlett looked down at her weapon, the tip on the ground.

"You'll remember soon enough." Kai ruffled her hair, leaving her pouting.

"So I can use these both close-up and long distance?" Mia asked, looking down at the weapons she chose.

Lloyd nodded, going over to her. "Mind if I borrow one?" Although he wasn't trained in the dagger, he twirled it in his hand once given like he was a professional. "Take a look."

The others stepped back, watching Lloyd as he twirled the knife again and aimed it at a wall, throwing it. The blade almost missed, but it stuck inside the wood.

Mia figured she knew how to do that, as it looked easy. "Okay, got it. I can do that."

"I'm sure you do," Cole mumbled under his breath, earning a glare from the redhead.

"Well, I can't," Scarlett confessed with a raise of her hand. "So good for you, Mia."

"And you're quick, so you can land an easy blow to your enemy close-up," Lloyd added, tossing her the dagger back.

Ninja Within Shadows ► Ninjago [REWRITING]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें