Fifth - My Only Refuge is Love

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There was a downside though; I think I'm starting to be a pervert. When Nico took his pants off and started swimming with only his underwear on, I couldn't stop staring at his whole body. Nico have a really sexy... I mean nice body. He was lean and not too muscular. His abs was really defined as well.

Nico seemed to be really comfortable with his own body, unlike me.

"I give up... you're just too damn fast on water..." Nico said after our final lap. He swam towards the edge of the pool and then leaned his back on the wall, with both of his arms spread on top of the edge.

"Well..." I said with a proud smile. I went underwater – I tried my best not to look at his body, but I guess I failed – and then emerged on his side. "Claire even asked me..."

"Claire who? What did she ask you?" Nico interjected even before I can finish my sentence. Somehow, he sounded very impatient. I looked at Nico and saw his eyes were furrowed a bit, he looked a bit irritated.

"Claire Peters, the Student Body Secretary and Swim Team Manager, she's also a sophomore you know, she was on gym class today." I explained.

"Ahh, her... So, what did she asked you?" Nico asked in the same tone as before.

"Well, she asked me to join the swim team. She said she saw what happened at Michael's party and all." I replied as leaned on the wall of the pool beside Nico.

"I see..." Nico sounded a bit calmer. "Actually, I saw you that night, I was just arriving and you were already leaving. You were walking down the street all wet, and I only heard what happened from Levi after I arrived."

"I know. I recognize your car." I replied and then chuckled.

"Is that so?" Nico chuckled as well. "So, are you going to join the swim team?"

"No, I have no plans in joining the team."

"Why not? You seem to love swimming a lot, and you're really fast on water, I'm sure you'll do great on the team." Nico said.

"I do love swimming, but competing is just not my thing. It's stressful and pressuring, I hate that. I just want to enjoy being in the water as much as I can without thinking about anything else. I don't like thinking about beating my own record and instead swim at my own pace. It's more fun that way." I answered honestly and cheerfully.

"I see, so you like a relax lifestyle huh..." How did he know? Was it that easy to read me? I was really amazed on how easily Nico read my personality.

"Well, yeah... Besides, wearing speedos in front of many people is just too embarrassing..." I complained animatedly.

"What are you embarrassed about?" Nico asked as he looked at my body. "I honestly think that you have nothing to be embarrassed about, if anything, you can brag about your body even." He said with a smile. Those words were enough to make me feel really embarrassed, so I turned around and leaned on the edge of the pool.

"But, if I join the swim team, then I can swim everyday..." I sighed.

"You don't have to force yourself to join the team, if all you want is to swim every day." Nico said. "You can just come by here anytime. I would be more than happy to lend you the pool." I smiled after hearing those words, it really made me really happy.

I would've stayed in the water for longer but it was already getting late, so I decided to go home. As I was drying myself before going home, my phone rang. "Kyle! Where are you? Are you alright? Why aren't you answering my calls?" Perry asked frantically.

"Relax, I'm fine. I was swimming so I couldn't answer. I'm going home now, ok." I told him calmly. Perry asked where I swam and I just told him "Later, I'll tell you later."

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