Chapter 11: Gym

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Jussi's POV

"So what do you guys want to do today?" I ask. Luke and Matt are currently shoving pancakes in to their mouths. I wave my hands in front of their faces. "Hello? Listen if you guys are playing chubby bunny it is easier with marshmallows." They stop dead, and look up at me.

"You actually know what chubby bunny is?" Matt asks, astonishment on his face.

"Yeah, I may've been anti-social in this school, but in my old school I was actually popular."

"So how many?" Luke asks

"How many what?"

"How many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth?"

"14" I mumble. Matt spits his orange juice all over me.

"How many?"

"14" I say louder.

"Holy shit, I want to see that!" Matt screams. "I can only fit like 7"

My cheeks become red. "Maybe another time, if you're lucky." I wink at him, and a growl comes from Luke. We turn and look at him.

"What I don't like you flirting with other guys." He mumbles.

"Sorry to break it to you Luke, I wasn't flirting with another guy, I was flirting with Matt." I laugh at my own joke, Luke's low chuckle sounds through the kitchen.

"Hey." Matt pouts.

"Don't worry Matt, we still love you." I walk over and kiss his cheek. Luke growls a little more. Matt and I look at each other communicating through our eyes. I give him another wink and wrap my arms around him. "So Matty," I kiss his cheek again. "What (kiss) should(kiss ) we (kiss) do (kiss) today(kiss)?" I ask him while alternating which cheek I kiss. Luke gets up and starts to storm out. I grab his elbow and turn him to face me.

Luke's POV

She turns me around and kisses me. I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. On the lips. It wasn't a dare or anything! She kissed me first. . . wow I sound like such a girl.

Matt coughs and I just flip him off and bring Jussi closer to me. She pulls away and giggles.

"So, like I was saying," she whispers "What do you guys want to do today?"

"Let's go bowling." Matt says. I still stand there out of breath.

"Luke?" Jussi waves her hands in front of my face.

"I got this." Jussi steps back and Matt comes fore ward. He goes in like he is going to kiss me. I snap out of it and slap Matt.

" What the hell dude, did you just try to kiss me?"

"Told you I got this." He just smirks at Jussi, and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay so, bowling?" She asks again. We both nod. "Okay, good, so I'm just going to go change." She walks out of the room. I watch her walk out and just stare at the door. It's silent for a good 4 minutes then Matt speaks.

"Dude, so when are to going to ask her out?"

"What do you mean?"

"It's obvious you both like each other, so ask her out!"

"Matt, you know me I'm Luke Borden I don't do relationships."

"You're baiting and hooking her. Don't break her, we are still trying to fix her."

"I'm not baiting her, Just Luke Borden doesn't date." I bite my tongue knowing this is a lie. Matt and I hear a little gasp. We run out the kitchen door and see Jussi running out the door. "Jussi! I didn't mean." Matt slaps me in the back of the head. I try to run after her, but Matt stops me.

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