Chapter 7

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Ryland-(AKA Riley's) POV

I ended up taking the bus to this kistler park. It didn't drop me off right next to it, so I had to walk until I saw the soccer field. Those people on the bus were kind of weird. I don't get how Jessi could ever ride with them. On the other hand she doesn't deserve anything better. Luckily when we are back together she won't have to worry about going anywhere. I can't believe I was this lucky to find her. After Tiffany died, I think that's her name. Jessi just disappeared without a trace. I can't believe she left or that she thought she could live without me. I am the best thing that she will ever have. I am walking along the street when I finally approach a house with columns and a blue door.

I ring the doorbell a couple of times and look into the house. A woman answers the door. She kind of looks like Jessi, so this has to be her house.

"Hello I'm looking for Jessi." She looks at me with a confused look.

"I'm sorry but no one by the name of Jessi lives here. She might've lived her before us, but we just moved in last week.

"Don't lie to me, I know she's here. Just tell her that her boyfriend is here." I cross my arms over my chest. This lady has to be lying.

"I'm sorry, but I promise you that she does not live here." She tries to close the door on me. I've had enough of this today. No one is giving me what I want and I am pissed off.

"You shouldn't lie to me." I burst into the house and walked around. I notice that there are boxes in some of the rooms. This has to all be a joke. Jessi should not be able to leave me again. I just found her.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!!" The woman's annoying voice yells. I walk back down the stairs.

"Get the hell out of my house." I mimic. "I'll leave once I find Jessi."

"For the third time, there is no one by the name of Jessi that lives here. So you better get the hell out of my house. I've already called the cops and my husband."

"Oh I am so scared of your husband." I roll my eyes remembering seeing Jessi's dad from afar. I could easily take him. "Let the cops come. They won't do anything to help you." I walk towards the woman.

"Oh you should be scared of my husband. Now get the hell out!" She points towards the door. I don't move, and she starts pushing me. I shove her against a wall.

"I am not leaving without Jessi." My hands bruise her wrists.

"Get off my wife!" I hear a man yell. I turn around and see a well built man. I know I am going to lose this but I just want Jessi.

"I wouldn't be on her if she told me where Jessi is." I retaliated. He rips me off of her and throws me to the ground. He places his foot on my chest.

"Who the hell is Jessi?" He turns towards his wife.

"I don't know this kid just busted in here looking for her." She shrugs as she is rubbing her wrists. I try to shove his foot off of me.

"I am not a kid and I know you guys are hiding her." After that came out of my mouth I knew that was a mistake. The husband pulls me up by my shirt and my face meets his fist.

"Don't you dare call my wife a liar." The sirens can be heard down the street. I know that they are here for me. I try to escape, but they have a grasp on me. Once the police pull into the driveway, I am quite literally thrown out of the door. I lay on the ground groaning. That's going to bruise.


Luke's POV

Jessi and I are at the supermarket picking up some items to make pancakes. Ever since she's learned she has been obsessed. She's been making all different types too and honestly she has a talent. I laugh as she walks down the candy aisle with her eyes wide open. She stops in front of the gummy worms. When you think her eyes can't get bigger, they do. Almost ten sizes bigger. I chuckle as she just stands there. I walk over to her. Reaching in front of her I grab four bags of gummy worms and put them in the cart. She still doesn't move. Her mouth is slightly open. I have been sort of following her like a puppy but anything she looks at, I grab. I am just happy we were able to get her out of the house before Riley came back. I am still trying to figure out what to do with that situation.

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