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"Mommy! Come here something happened!" I hear my little girl Virginia yell.
"What is it, Ginny?" I put the towel down on the counter and turn the flame off on the stove.
"Mommy go faster." Yells Virginia's twin brother Noah.
"Okay, I'm coming." I go faster a little worried that something bad happened to my babies. After graduation, Luke and I went to college in Michigan. I majored in Nutrition and him in accounting. After we graduated we got married and moved to Maine. It's a beautiful place, but a bit cold in the winter. About two years after we got married, we were blessed with twins. Noah is the older one by ten minutes. 

I walk into the twins room,  "Ginny, Noah, are you in here?" I look around and don't see them. 
"Mommy we are in the living room!" Noah yells in his little voice. I walk down the hall an into the living room. The room is decorated with pictures of Luke and I. I gasp and cover my mouth, my eyes start to tear. The first picture I look at is Luke and I the day we met, I'm sleeping on his lap covered in Oreo crumbs. I continue down the wall, looking at all the pictures. There's one from our first date, the mall, our other dates, graduation, our wedding and honeymoon. The pictures cover the whole entire living room. 

Luke wraps his arms around my waist and I unconsciously lean back into him. 
"Do you like it?" He whispers into my ear. Tears are streaming down my cheeks as I nod my head, scared my voice is going to betray me. 
"Daddy, you made mommy cry!" Noah yells at Luke and goes and starts to hit his legs. "You're a big meanie!"
"Hey, stop hurting my daddy!" Virginia yells and goes over and hits Noah. They both start to hit each other. I pick up Noah and Luke picks up Virginia. 
"Such a daddy's girl," I say
"Such a mommy's boy," Luke mimics. I let out a laugh and kiss the top of Noah's head. 
"It's okay Noah, daddy didn't hurt me, these are happy tears." 
"But I don't like when mommy cries." His little hands try to take the tears off my face.
"I don't either bud." Luke says setting Ginny down. I do the same with Noah. Luke walks up and kisses my cheeks where my tears were. I close my eyes enjoying the feeling.
"So what's all this for?" I ask Luke with me still in his arms. 
"I just wanted to do something special for you, because you're my special lady."
"What did you do?" I glared at him. He scratches the back of his neck and laughs awkwardly. I glare at him.
"Uh oh Daddy's in trouble," the twins say at the same time. 
"You know I love you and I don't want to loose you," He starts off.
"Just spit it out already, or I am gonna whip your donkey," I cross my arms and tap my foot.
"I'm leaving you. . ." He finally spits out, I sit down on the couch shocked. 
"Hey kids go upstairs and play. Daddy and I need to talk." I watch them leave. My eyes start to tear, "You-you're leaving me?" I am full out bawling. He sits down next to me, but I move over away from him. He moves and grabs my hands kneeling in front of me. 
"Jess, you didn't let me finish." I look him dead in the eye, he's a little blurry though. "My work is sending me on a trip, and it's during our anniversary. I know you've been planning it for months, but I might be getting a promotion." 
"YOU IDIOT!" I slap him and start hitting him, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO DIVORCE ME AND LEAVE ME BY MYSELF FOREVER WITH OUR KIDS!!" I continue to hit him until I tire myself out. He pulls me up to stands with him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest. I lay my head on his chest.
"Maybe I should've worded that more effectively. I am not leaving you, I would never if it were up to me, but this could be a huge promotion for work." 
"You suck with words." I mumble into his shirt.
"Yeah I know." He tries to run his fingers through my hair, but they kept getting caught in my curls. 

He kisses me on the lips.
"EWW, that's gross," Noah says.






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