Chapter 17

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Jussi's POV

"Jussi." Scott whispers
Luke looks between the two of us.

"You two know each other?"

I look up and see Scott scratch the back of his neck.

"Sort of."

"What do you mean sort of?"

"I'm lost." I hear Taylor speak up then there's a couple mumbles of agreements. They all look towards me. "Would you mind maybe, explaining to us how you know each other and what just happened?" Taylor's voice comes to a yell. I just whimper a bit and snuggle in to Luke. Jack takes notice and squats down.

"Jus, you're going to have to tell us sooner or later. Taylor is just worried she didn't mean to scare you." Jack's voice is smooth and always has been. I remember when something would be wrong and he would talk to me. I nod and take a deep breath.

"Scott use to be Riley's roommate." I start off slowly. They all look over and send him daggers. "Wait I'm not done. The night of the party when Riley took me to his house, he told me he had to work. It was after my. . .(deep breath) punishment." I shiver thinking about it. "He told me to stay on his couch. I was not to move. The doors were locked. I would've tried the windows, but the apartment was on the tenth floor. If I even tried to escape he would know. He would go after me. I knew I couldn't get away. So I just sat there, knowing that if I were to do anything else I would be a goner. About an hour or two after Riley left his room mate walked in to the apartment. He had just come back from a business trip. I was just sitting in one of Riley's shirts when he walked in to the living room and noticed me. He tried talking to me but I was mute. After a couple minutes he went to Riley's room and grabbed some of his sweat pants. When I didn't make a move to put them on, he tried to put them on me himself. That's when Riley walked in." I ended it there not being able to tell anymore.

"When Riley came home later. He had the look of murder on his face. His smile gave me the creeps and still does. I asked him what he did to you and he just simply said 'dropped her off at home.' I kind of believed him until I watched the news in the morning. After that I knew it was him that did that to you. I tried to call the police but they didn't believe me. Then I tried to kick him out but he would just stay, so I got up and moved here. I feel like it's my fault what happened to you that night. If I didn't let him take you or called the police or something. Maybe you wouldn't of woken up in the hospital. Maybe he would be behind bars where he belongs. I am truly sorry. I wish I did something to help." He pulls at his hair and his eyes become glossy with tears. I get up and hug him.

"It wasn't your fault. Riley has a mind of his own. Just because he used it in horrible ways doesn't mean that it's your fault. Stop giving yourself a hard time." I let go of him. "Now." I sniff and put on a smile, "Who's ready to eat?" It's quiet.

"I am," Matt screams. "I'm starving." He complains. We all laugh at him and I send him a grateful look. He sends me a wink and we all sit down. Luke pulls up a chair and sits beside me. His arm wraps around my waist pulling me towards him. He kisses my temple.

The chatter starts up again and soon everyone is laughing. No one bringing up what just happened. When Scott got off his shift, he came and joined us. He isn't too bad. I found out that he just works at the restaurant when he's not on a trip. Also that he decided to move to Colorado because he love's the snow. Also he likes how it is always sunny too, even if there is like 4 feet of snow.

At the end of the night Scott and I exchange numbers. Luke and I go in his car while Matt, Amber, Taylor, and Jack go in Matt's car. They have to stop by the mall so Amber can get her car. When we're walking out Luke laces his fingers with mine. We walk side by side.

"So how was your family dinner?" He stiffens.
"It was okay."
"Just okay? Nothing else?" He just kisses my temple.
"I'll tell you about it tomorrow." We get to his car and he opens the door for me. I thank him and get in.

Luke's POV (Family Dinner)
When I got home everyone was sitting at the table waiting.
"You're late." My dad says.
"Well sorry that Jussi lives kind of far from our house." I mumble.
"Don't give me tone I raised you better than this."
"Sorry." I mumble again. I sit down in my spot and look around the table. It's quiet until Anna speaks up.
"So there's something important you wanted to tell us." I send her a grateful look.
"Oh yes it's really exciting!" My mom bursts with energy, "Honey would you like to tell them." We all look towards my dad.
"Well you're mother and I have been talking, and we already talked to Riley," 'Oh no this already isn't good' I think. He continues, "We think it would be a good idea if he moves in with us and he attends college in Colorado." Anna and I sit there with our mouths open. I look over at her, and we share the same thought.
"What do you guys think?" My mom asks. My shock soon turns to anger. Thoughts of Jussi run through my head. Anna's the first to speak.
"Wow, I don't know what to say to that. I think Luke and I need sometime to process that." Her voice is soft and quiet.
"What's there to process he's technically your brother." My dad says.
"Step-brother." I correct.
"None the less he is family." His voice is stern.
I scoff. "He may be your family and your blood but he will never be mine." My anger starts leaking out.
"Lukas James Borden." My mom yells surprised. "This is not how I raised you. Now apologize."
I looked at her. "I'm sorry mom, but I will not apologize for what I've just said."
"I kind of agree with him." Anna whispers. Everyone's head whips towards her. My parents just sit there gaping. Riley has stayed quiet this whole time. My cell phone disrupts the silence.
"Hey Matt you're kind of interrupting something important."
"It's Jussi." He breaths out.
"What happened?"
"She's shaking and it's not good. Remember that day in detention where she started freaking out. It's like that but worse."
"Where are you guys? Text me the address I'm coming right now." I stand up and my chair pushes back. I hang up my phone.
"Where are you going? We are having an important family dinner. You can't just up and leave." My dad gets angry.
"Watch me." I hiss back. I grab my keys and head towards the door.
"Lukas James Borden. If you walk out that door right now you'll be in serious trouble." My dad yells.
"I'll take my chances, because my friend getting hurt is way more important than this." I walk out the door and to my car. Anna comes running out and taps on the window.
"What's happening?"
"Jussi. She's having another panic attack."
"Be careful Luke she is fragile. Remember what I told you to do." I just nod. She steps back from my car and I pull out of my drive way.
'We'll talk when you get back' Anna texts me.
I get another text too.
'Chinese restaurant by Park Meadows. Hurry'
I speed my way over there.
I rush in to the restaurant, shoving people out of my way. I see as everyone is surrounding Jussi. I can't hear anything they're saying.
"Jussi." I scream her name. I push my way into the circle and scoop her up in my arms. Her breathing starts to become even. She buries her head into my chest. Tears soak my shirt. Her head lifts up and she looks at everyone around her.
"Scott." She whispers.
(Morning after meeting Scott)
I woke up to Jussi tracing shapes on my chest. I let out a grumble.
"That feels nice." I quietly say. I feel her jump a little.
"I thought you were asleep." She quietly says.
"I was but then I felt you tracing my chest."
"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." She withdrawals her hand in to her body. I just grab it.
"It's okay, it felt good. It did tickle a little too." I let out a low chuckle. I pull her closer to me. I burry my nose in to her hair.
She lets out a little laugh. "So are you going to tell me what happened at the family dinner?" I let out a sigh.
"You're not going to like it."
"It's okay I can handle it, just tell me."
"Well, we didn't really talk much and it ended with us fighting and me leaving." I pause and take a deep breath. "Riley is moving to Colorado and is enrolling in one of the colleges here." I hear her take a deep breath she starts to shake too. Her breaths become shorter and faster.
"No, no no no no no no. This can't happen I don't know how much longer I can take him being around." Tears start coming out of her eyes. "What am I going to do?" She buries her head in my chest and her tears soak my shirt. I pull her closer.
"It's okay I've got you. I'm not going to let anything happen to you." Her breathing slows and soon she's sleeping again. I kiss the top of her head and bring her as close as she can get. "I won't let anything happen I promise." I start to drift off and soon everything is black and I'm asleep.

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