Chapter 5

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Jessi's Pov

My body starts to wake up and I feel an arm weigh on my waist. As quickly as I can, I move out from under it. I am on the edge of the bed when I look up to hear a groan. I let out a sigh to see that it is just Luke.

"What did you do that for? I was comfortable." He complains like a child. He opens to see me sitting rigidly. He sits up quickly. "Are you okay?" He asks moving towards me a little. I put a hand out to stop him, noticing that he doesn't have a shirt on.

"Yeah." I take a deep breath. "Just give me a second. I need to collect myself." He nods in understanding. He scoots away from me, giving me some more space.

"Would you like to talk about it?" He asks quietly.

"No thank you." He nods again and lays down. I move a little closer so that we're almost touching and lay down next to him. We turn to look at each other and I just start laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" He asks, smiling.

"No reason." I say through my laughter. He raises an eyebrow.

"Hmm, maybe I can give you a reason." He says moving slowly closer to me. I can tell he doesn't want to trigger me and it actually calms my mind. When he notices that I am not moving away. He quickly straddles me and starts to tickle me. I start laughing harder.

"Luke, stop." I try to say but we are both laughing now. I am running out of breath to say anything.

A smile spreads across his face. He sits on top of me just smiling down and he finally stops tickling me. Before either of us can say or do anything, the door swing opens and his mom walks in the room.

"Luke, have you seen my. . ." She looks up and sees me "Oh I didn't realize your company was still here or a beautiful girl." She looks over and smiles at me. "I hope you guys were quiet last night." She winks.

"We didn't. . ."

"Mom, you've got the wrong idea." We both say protesting at once. Blood rushes to my cheeks.

"Do I?" She laughed like she didn't believe us. "Because what I am looking at now it says otherwise."

Luke moves off of me and off of the bed, blocking me from his mom's line of sight. He clears his throat, "Anyways, what were you looking for mom?"

"Oh right! Have you seen my necklace anywhere?"

"Which one?"

"My gold chained one with my birth stone."

"It's in the jewelry box in the left corner of your closet in the 5th drawer." I stare at him shocked. "What, I use to play in my moms closet and organize her jewelry."

"Sure, organize. After you were Godzilla and dumbed it all out." His mom says with a smirk. She moves a little so that she is looking at me again. "I'm Jenny by the way."

"I'm Jessi." I say shyly.

"That's a beautiful name. What's your last name?"

"Thank you and it is Sparks."

"Oh, are your parents doctors?" She asks. I nod. "I think I know them!" She says excitedly.

"My mom's a doctor too." Luke says.

"Ahh," I say "Well, I should probably be on my way home." I pull the covers off my body and swing my legs to the side." Thanks for having me over." I say towards Jenny. "I hope that I wasn't too much trouble." I direct it more towards Luke.

"Why don't you stay for breakfast, Jessi?" Jenny offers.

"It's okay, I wouldn't want to get in the way."

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