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"Today's the day. It's actually happening."

We perform in T-minus five hours. For real. All of our hard work is going to pay off over the next three days.

"We'll be fine," Cole says, laughing.

"Easy for you to say," I retort. "You're used to being in front of people."

"It's my irresistible charm," he tells me casually. He can be such an egomaniac. 

"I hope you're this lighthearted right before we get onstage," I grumble. I, for one, am not nearly as chill as he is.

"It's just like rehearsal," Cole tells me, looking lazily at his phone. "Just pretend like it's just the two of us."

"I cannot do this. Do you think Penny would do it for me?" Penny is my understudy.

Cole shakes his head.

"We're gonna kill it today," he says. He checks the time.

"Babysitting duty," he says, showing me the screen of his phone. Oh right. We promised we'd hang out with Elle.

"Okay, let's go."


Mrs. Emerson is asleep on the chair next to Elle's bed while Elle is drawing at her desk. Cole walks up to his mom and shakes her gently.

"Hey," he whispers. "Go get some sleep. It's our turn."

"Remember to give her the pills," Mrs. Emerson calls as she heads out of Elle's room. "Thanks kids. You're a godsend."

Then we hear her bedroom door close. I take a look at what Elle is drawing.

"Woah, that's really good," I say, looking at her drawing of a landscape with a lake and trees. 

"Thanks," she says. "I'm planning to put a rainbow illusion thing over it."

I laugh.

"Those are terms I can understand," I, the non-artistic person, reply.

I turn to Cole.

"Where's Lucas?"

He gestures towards Lucas' room.

"Probably playing his guitar in there. We had to soundproof his room so I'm not sure anymore."

"Have him play for us," I suggest. He sighs.

"He won't do it. He's so sulky these days."

"Tell him Elle wants him to."

Elle doesn't contradict, so Cole goes off to see if Lucas is up for it. I notice that Elle has stopped sketching, staring at her paper.

"You okay?" I ask her. She shrugs.

"Do you want water? I have to give you your pills in a sec," I say. She nods. Then I see a water cup on her nightstand. I quickly go get it and she stands up to take it from me. Suddenly, she stops in her tracks.

"Elle?" I ask. "What's wrong?"

It seems to happen in slow motion. She sways right before her legs buckle, and fortunately I'm able to catch her before she hits the ground. She's not moving and her eyes are closed.

For a moment, I can't speak,

"Cole!" I scream. "Cole, get in here!"

He comes running into her room, panic overcoming his face.

"Oh my God!" he exclaims. "I'm calling 911. What happened?"

"She just collapsed," I say, too shocked to freak out. Elle hasn't come to yet. Lucas bursts in as well.

"What happened to her? What did you do?" he yells.

"Lucas, I--"

He kneels next to her. I can't see his expression, but his movements are urgent

"Elle," he says, shaking her. "Come on."

"Be careful," I say numbly. "Don't shake her too hard."

"Shut up!" he snaps. 

I stand up and take a few steps back as he cradles her. Cole has gotten off the phone, and he puts an arm around me. I should be the one comforting him. I'm about to hug him when the ambulance pulls up.

"Let's go," he says urgently, running outside to meet them. I follow, but right now I can't even think. I want to form a rational thought, a prayer, just something. Anything. 

But I can't.

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