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"We only have a couple more weeks, guys," Miss Stacie says to the class. We almost had gone through the whole play without scripts, but there's still plenty to work on. Cole is back as Peter, and I prefer it that way. Caleb has picked up another elective (photography) but he might join acting next semester.

But then things started to go downhill. Students would come to help with the sets for community service hours and they would watch us rehearse. That's when I started to get a little bit of...attention from those who were interested in Cole. They don't like me much, especially the multitude of Cole's exes.

So that's why I'm not surprised when I find sticky notes of rude, offensive things in my locker. Or I hear quiet "boo's" when I enter the stage. The girls, mentally being the middle schoolers they are, don't back down unless they get some kind of reaction from me. I guess they thought I would've dropped out of the play and Cole would've ditched me and gone back to one of them by now.

And when they saw that wasn't the case, they began to intensify their attacks.

The first time I had cried a little, when the teacher had to send them out for being rude. The second time, it made me mad. Now, it's just stupid. I have about fifteen sticky notes on my locker again, some of them being Cole's exes, but the majority the girls who have been trying to hit on him since eighth grade.

He reads them, anger burning in his eyes. He opens his mouth to protest.

"Don't cuss them out," I say before he can start.

He hesitates, and I smile dryly.

"I know you too well," I tell him. He nods but doesn't smile.

"I just hate that you have to deal with this stuff because of me." I feel my emotions go all melty and whatever when he says that.

"It's not your fault," I tell him. "They're just immature."

I crumple the sticky notes before walking towards my next class. Cole stops me and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek. I feel my face growing warm, and I actually smile now. His hand brushes my cheek, smiling slightly.

"You're already mine anyway," he tells me. Oh my goodness, Cole Emerson. You will be the death of me. I don't know what to say, and his eyes shine with boyish pleasure.

"You're so cheesy," I mumble. He just laughs and walks me to class.


"So..." Cole begins. We're sitting at lunch. I turn to him.


He looks uneasy, and I tilt my head at him.

"What is it?" I ask, turning my full attention away from my food, which, by the way, is how you know I care about you a lot.

"You know, homecoming's a thing," he tells me slowly.

I nod as I pick up a french fry, seeing that he's not dying or breaking up with me.

"Yep. I've never gone before," I reply.

I skipped last year because I don't really like football or parties, and if I'm being honest, I don't care about school dances and stuff. Never sparked any interest, nor did anyone have interest in asking me.

He clears his throat.

"Would you like to go with me?"

I nod again.

"Okay," I say simply, eating another french fry. "Why were you so nervous?" I ask after chewing. "You knew I would say yes."

He shrugs.

"I don't know. Maybe I didn't know what you'd say."

I don't know how to respond for a moment. Then I give his hand a squeeze.

"I said yes," I tell him, laughing. I know. Super helpful.

Relief finally seems to settle within his expression, and he smiles back. It surprises me how worried he was over this.

Then it hits me.

He's afraid of rejection. Yeah, it might've been obvious before, but it just clicked right now. Even if there is beyond a reasonable doubt that he'll get the wanted outcome, he still has distrust and fear. He still has doubts that cause him to stumble.

I want to say that I'd always say yes to him, but people can't always promise that. Sometimes it doesn't work out, and I can't make a promise that I can't keep.

Something else just hit me.

I'm going to homecoming.

Yay she's going to hoco! This was such a filler chapter and it's also super short but I promise the next one will be longer. It almost feels like the school year is almost over. Ah, young love...there's so many little plots that probably won't all be solved in this one story which is why I am pleased to tell you that there will be a sequel!! Wooooo

Anyway, hope you enjoyed :)


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