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"Can't we tell them?" Percy asked later as Annabeth watched Frodo carefully. The hobbit was walking a if in a daze. A heart broken look almost permanently on his face.

"This is something that makes it personal for all of them," Annabeth said even quieter. "It pushes them onward, to make his 'death' not in vain. Sometimes revenge is the only thing that pushes people onward until a greater purpose is found."

"I've got an idea."

"Oh, I hate your ideas," Annabeth groaned, dropping her head into her hands. "They always end up with you almost dead."

The Fellowship was walking after the elf named Haldir into the forest of Lothlórien to meet Lady Galadriel. Gimli was understandably nervous and that was leaking onto the hobbits. Aragorn and Legolas were almost too skilled to hide their thoughts and emotions from Annabeth but she was still able to discern some frustration. Boromir did not bother hiding his anger with the elf leading them.

"You can make the owls purposefully poop on him and I can make a bunch of water drop on his head," Percy continued.

"That's a great idea," Annabeth said.


"Only one problem."


"I can't talk to owls."

"Dang it," Percy deflated noticably. "Can I still do the water part? He really shouldn't have said that to Frodo. Now he's blaming himself."

When they had first arrived and met Haldir, the elf took one look at Frodo and said, "You carry great evil with you. You can go no further"

Like it's Frodo's fault he's holding the ring, Annabeth snorted mentally. Well, it is but I'd like to see you carry it as long as he has without falling to it's temptation.

"Sure, Percy," Annabeth told the eager son of Poseidon.

Said demigod fist pumped and turned into Ninja-Percy. Contrary to popular belief, Percy Jackson can be stealthy when he wants to. Or rather, when he needs to. Annabeth wasn't sure where he got it from but she had a feeling it had something to do with his first stepfather.

Several hours after Haldir found himself drenched from head to toe (for which the Company glanced at Percy for-they hadn't forgotten the time outside Moria when he fell into the water and came up again on a wave) he was still sloshing in his boots even though elves are supposedly water resistant.

When they finally stopped, it was to see two...glowing elves descending stairs to meet them. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel.

Annabeth almost felt giddy, watching as the elf of legend walked towards them. The descriptions in the books and the film did her no justice. It wasn't just her golden locks that attributed to her beauty but her aura as well. It approached Aphrodite's but kinder. Gentler.

"The enemy knows you have entered here. What hope you had in secrecy is now gone. Ten there are here, yet eleven there were sent out from Rivendell," Lord Cereborn began. "Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."

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