I threw a knife at his head

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OK. So I know I haven't updated in a really, really, long time, but please forgive me for this chapter being shorter then the others, I'm trying to get back into writing and bringing my confidence levels up again so I wanted to get this out there as soon as possible. (Also if you have any suggestions for where this story should go please let me know and please feel free to correct my grammar and comment as always! :) Thanks)

"I threw a knife at his head," I state without context, pretending to casually look down at my food.

Basically, I get a chorus of "YOU WHAT?!" it was actually kinda funny.

"I threw a knife at his head," I repeat.

Both Luke and North look at me like I'm insane, "She caught me sneaking up on them, and didn't know it was me," Luke defends me. I just shrug.

I hope I'm playing this off cool because inside, I'm dying of embarrassment.

Sean looks at Luke's ear for a minute before stating, "It's really not that bad."

"Yep, and I gotta date out of it sooooo I'm good," said Luke, while popping more chocolate into his mouth. That boy has a series chocolate problem.

"It was an accident but he milked it for everything it was worth, and Sang Baby isn't allowed to play with knives anymore," North stated causing me to look at him weirdly.

"Yeah ok," I stated sarcastically under my breath.

"You won't be holding any knives for a while, Miss Sang," states Owen with assurance in his voice. 

I look at him with a raised eyebrow; "And who exactly put you in charge of me and what I do," I take a breath to calm myself, "I threw a knife at Luke specifically so it wouldn't hurt him too badly, my apologies for feeling like someones gonna come up behind me and lock me in a closet for 36 hours straight without food or water again; and for worrying that my brothers few days of freedom and joy was going to end. I'm so sorry for hurting you Luke, I really am, but I will most certainly NOT be putting down my knives any time soon, especially in my house," I finish standing up and going into my bedroom.

I shut the door and lay on my bed facing the ceiling, I feel like this is all happening so fast; new house, new people, the academy, and worst of all volto. I've been here less than a week and I already need a break. I take a deep breath and try to relax when I hear my door open, I look up to see Kota.

"What can I do for you?" I question. "Uh... I was just coming to make sure you were ok," he states, sitting down on the bed beside me.

I blush and look down towards my lap, "I'm fine, I just tend to get worked up in the heat of the moment"

"Understandable," he says, "my brothers are a little bit over protective."

"Just a little?" I reply, sarcasm lacing my tone.

"Ok, maybe a lot, it just means that we like you though," Kota chuckles.

"Understandable," I copy what he said earlier and wink at him.

We make eye contact and hold each other's gazes for a few minutes, I would say it felt like seconds and yet hours at the same time but I'm not that cliche... and Kota was counting. After we broke eye contact he said one minute and forty-seven seconds under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear him.

I giggled at that, "You counted how long we were looking at each other for? Why is that something Danny would do?" I was full blown laughing now.

Kota blushed, "Yeah yeah, laugh all you want," I could tell I embarrassed him so I kissed his cheek, which only made him blush more.

I shoved him a little bit and he shoved me back laughing. Once we calmed down we sat there for a while and finally, we kissed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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