Awww...You were afraid of being rejected

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(Sangs outfit)

I wake up to a dark sky and warmth coming from behind me.  Not realizing where I am I try to sit up and look around but am stopped by someone pulling me. I am about to freak out when I remember Brandon.

Trying not to wake him up I slowly remove his arm and get out of bed to check on the others.

I walk down stairs and into the living room to see everyone asleep but Raven.

"Hey." I whisper sneaking up behind him. "What time is is?"

"It's three." he says.

"You didn't have to stay." I say moving to sit behind him.

"Da, you didn't come back, so we check room, you and Brandon were asleep." He says.

"Sorry." I say.

Raven lets out a quiet chuckle. "No problem they watch Sponge Bob with me." 

I laugh at him.

"Did you want to go home or sleep at least?" I ask.

"No." Is all he says. 

"No you don't want to sleep?" I question.

"Da." He says.

Now I'm confused.

"What did you want to do then?" I ask out of curiosity.

"Curiosity killed the rat." Raven says.

It takes everything in me not to laugh so loud I wake everyone up.

"Its cat." I say.

"What?" Raven is the one confused now.

"The saying is curiosity killed the cat." I try to explain.

"Same." He says.

"No they are different animals." I tilt my head at him trying to explain. "And people use cat instead of rat because curiosity and cat both start with the letter c." 

"Oh so curiosity killed the cat?" Raven clarifys.

"Yes." I smile. "And you didn't answer my question."

"Can't sleep." He says.


"No answer." He replies.

"No answer to what?" I pry still confused and curious.

"Date." He shrugs.

"Awwwww." I coo "You're afraid to be rejected, that's so cute"

"One I am not afraid of anything and 2 I'm not cute, Corey is cute, I'm sexy." Raven says.

I don't know how to respond to him so instead I change the subject back to his dating question. "I honestly thought Corey and Brandon already told you about our conversation earlier." I start. "Raven, I would love to go on a date with you." I smile as I finish.

Raven grins at me. "Now very important question." He says.

"Ask away"

"Are you virgin?" He asks with the most serious face I have seen on him since I met him.

"Why..." I ask back shocked.

"Sex." Is his simple reply.

I take a moment to consider that he thinks we might be having sex after the first date, then I remember he's Russian and chuckle to myself. Nothing against Russians just all of the Russians I have meet are very... open sexually.

"I'm not." I answer him.

"Da good." He says.


"Less nerves."

"Stop with the sex talk." I hear Danny say, we must have woken him up.

"Sorry." I say. Knowing Danny he won't be able to go back to sleep. "Come here." I tell him so we don't wake anyone else up.

"What?" He asks tired.

"Do you want to go sleep in you're bed? If you can go back to sleep that is." I ask.

"I won't be able too, but since I'm up can I go on you're run with you?" He questioned.

"Sure, I usually go at five, and its around 3:30 now so go get dressed and shower." I tell him.

He nods and goes upstairs.

"You run?" Raven asks.

This time I am the one nodding.

"I'm going to go shower as well feel free to do whatever, and thank you so much for watching them." I say.

"No issue." Raven says back to me making me grin.

I go upstairs to shower to see Brandon still asleep, but this time he has his arm around a pillow and is snoring slightly, something I must have missed when I got up.

I go over to my bag and get out my hair brush, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and clothes.

I go into the bathroom and shower, towel dry my hair, brush my teeth, and change into a running outfit.

When I leave the bathroom it is 4:55 and Brandon is awake, sitting on my bed.

"Going somewhere?" He asks.

"I'm going on a run with Danny, you all don't have to stay the twins will probably be asleep when I come back but if they aren't they know what to do, and thank you for staying last night."

"No problem Sunshine, and if you don't mind I want to stay." He says back to me.

"Okay, well in that case we will be back in about an hour, thanks again." I say as we leave the room.

Once we get back down stairs Danny is waiting by the back door, knowing I usually go through the woods to run.

"Hey wanna go on the street, to get a feel of things around here?" I ask Danny, more because he is afraid of bugs and stuff and I didn't want him to be embarrassed.

"Sure." He looks at me gratefully.

We leave through the front door and start our run/jog down the street.

We make it about thirty minutes, when Danny gets tired and we head home. Honestly if I hadn't worked with the academy so much I would have stopped 29 minutes ago.

We get back to find everyone awake and getting ready.

"Hey!" Corey says as I walk through the door.

"How did you get them up at six in the morning, are you a fucking god?" I ask him.

"I promised them we could go to Bojangles for breakfast, hope you don't mind." He said.

"Not at all." I smile.

Changing the subject Corey says "Oh Brandon went home to change and Raven said he wanted to sleep... OH and I wanted to know if I could join today." He says nervously.

"Of course you can." I said. "Did you want to go change?" I asked realizing he is still in his clothes from yesterday..

"Yeah that would be great." He says leaving.

I laugh and go up to my room to rinse off the sweat and change.

About an hour later, everyone is dressed here and deciding what car to go into.

"Okay to clear this up... both sets of twins are going in Brandon's car along with Danny? and Victor, Gabriel, and Sammy are coming with me?" I ask

I get a series of yes's and smile realizing how long it took us to figure that out.

Everyone heads to their designated cars and I follow Brandon's car to the nearest Bojangles while everyone in my car, even Victor, is singing to my Disney playlist that I have for Sammy.

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