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Sorry y'all, in all honesty I have no clue what a date is like, I just did stuff that seemed right to me, please don't hate me if this sucks! 😂 Also please ignore the guy, that is just the motorcycle talked about in this chapter!

Running to the car, Brandon jumped into the passenger seat while I jumped into the drivers seat. As simple as that we started our date.

I realize something that has me freaked out a little bit and decide to tell Brandon.

"I have a confession to make." I tell him nervously. "This is my first date."

"Well I'll have to make it a good one then." He replies winking and causing me to blush.

"So... where to?" I ask realizing that I have no clue where I'm supposed to be driving too.

"Oh! I almost forgot to ask." He laughs. "We can start at my shop if you want then we can go to a movie or something, I know its not much but this was kind of short notice, that's what I get for asking you out so soon right?"

I all sounds so perfect, the last thing I want is an over the top, extra night, I think, but all I say is, "Sounds great." awkwardly.

WHAT? You really can't blame me for being awkward, its my first date!

Brandon smiles at me and we make light conversation, about his brothers and mine and just learning a bit about each other. We talk for about twenty minutes until we get to his shop.

Walking in, the first thing I notice is the beautiful bikes hanging from the ceiling, probably so they don't get stolen.

"Holy shit." I say looking around, my eyes almost bugging out of my head. "This place is amazing."

Brandon blushes, then coughs trying to draw attention away from his growing blush causing me to smile. 

"So what do you want to look at first?" He asks. 

"What kinds of bikes do you have?" I ask still amazed by his place.

"A few different kinds and some that I rebuilt from nothing." Brandon shrugs but I can tell how much he loves bikes. "I have a couple Harley's a few Indians..." 

I decide to cut him off. "Well, what about the ones you built, can I see those first?" I ask getting excited.

"Sure." Brandon says smiling and leading me to them, and immediately I see the one I want.

It looks like a few different models that Brandon some how put together and made from scratch and I swear I fell in love right there.


"Is that one for sale?..." I ask pointing to the amazing bike.

"Yeah, its one of my favorites actually. It took me months to perfect, I'm glad you like it." Brandon replies looking at the bike then back to me.

"Well it looks perfect." I say not being able to look away from the bike.

"Alright I can get it to you tomorrow." He says simply.

"That easy?" I ask not comprehending how easy it was to pick out and buy a bike.

Brandon laughs at me, "What did you expect a chemistry test as well? Or maybe math?"

"No! Well I don't know, I just didn't expect it to be this easy!" I say embarrassed and defensive.

Trying to get away from the subject I ask, "So how much?"

"Don't worry about it." Brandon replies, nonchalantly waving his hand.


"It means don't worry about it?" Brandon replies seemingly scared.

"Shut the fuck up and let me pay!" I say to him, and look him directly in the eyes trying to convey that I'm not taking no as an answer. I'm not leaving without paying for this bike!

Apparently Brandon saw that because he led me to the front desk and let me pay.

Haha I win!

After that was taken care of we went back to the car and headed to the movie theater.

Walking in, we were barely away from the car and I could tell Brandon was thinking about something.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"Huh." He relied.

"I said whats wrong." I stop and look him in the eyes.

"Oh... nothing, I was just thinking." Brandon looks down, not before I notice the blush on his cheeks.

"What?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Okay, this might sound weird because we just met and all, but I feel so much when I'm with you, more then I've ever felt for any girl including my last girlfriend, in all the time I was with her. I don't know I was just thinking about how weird it is that we are moving so fast with our relationship I guess." Brandon says nervously. "Not to mention my brothers..."

"I know what you mean." I look down, "I've never had a relationship before so this is new to me but I definitely feel something when I'm with you, all of you, or at least most of you so far I mean I haven't really gotten to know some of your brothers yet and." I shut up when I realize I'm rambling on and draw together my eyebrows and look down freaked out that I just told him that.

Whats wrong with me, I just keep sharing my emotions. What happened to the stone cold, brick wall of a person I was before, people don't need to know my business! But maybe these boys are different.

I don't know.

Right then, I don't know what it was that made him do it, and don't know if he decided now was the perfect time or if it was just a spur of the moment thing but Brandon kissed me, which somehow lead to a full on make out session which ended up with me jumping up and putting my legs around him, which somehow lead to us being in my car on the way home.

What? It was just a little fuzzy! And I'm just a little nervous.

I'm so so so so so sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Please please please forgive me, and if you have any suggestions about how the next chapter should go, please comment or message me, don't worry you will get credit. XOXOXO <3<3<3

Sang and her BoysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz